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Cause of itchy roof of the mouth

Itching of the roof of the mouth or the feeling of itching in the roof of the mouth and throat is one of the common disorders among people, which is caused by allergies to drugs, food, pollutants, and also by fungal or viral infections. To know what is the symptom of itchy roof of the mouth, it should be said that if this itchy sensation of the roof of the mouth occurs due to sensitivity to special substances, this disorder is oral sensitivity syndrome and its symptoms are mild in some people and may be dangerous in others. In the following, we will review the symptoms of the itchy roof of the mouth, the cause of the itchy roof of the mouth and the treatment of the itchy roof of the mouth by a specialist in oral diseases in Canada…

Symptoms of itchy mouth or itchy roof of the mouth

Oral allergy caused by infection or allergy to substances has complications, one of its symptoms is itching of the roof of the mouth or itching at the end of the roof of the mouth. The common symptoms of this type of oral allergy syndrome are the following:

  • runny nose
  • sneeze
  • Dry cough
  • shedding tears
  • Throat or ear itching

These symptoms are mild in some people, but it may be an oral allergy reaction in others with dangerous changes that you should see a specialist in oral diseases and oral ulcers.

Other causes of oral itching

Allergy: People who have experienced dry mouth disorder may be allergic to some foods that may cause allergies if used after eating.

Herpes: Herpes is one of the types of mouth sores whose virus is contagious. The size of this type of virus is small and it stays in the created place for up to two weeks.

Anaphylaxis shock: This type of disorder is a dangerous and fatal allergic reaction that must be treated by emergency care. If a person has this allergy, the reaction is in the form of swelling in the mouth, tingling or itching in the mouth. Allergy to some drugs, insect or bee venom, latex, and some foods cause this disorder.

Fungal infection: oral thrush or white grains in the mouth is a type of fungal infection that occurs inside the lips, inside the cheeks, gums, and the roof of the mouth, which is caused by a weak immune system, and you should be examined by a specialist in oral diseases.

Itchy mouth and throat: caused by allergies to some foods, medicines, seasonal allergies and oral thrush.

Itchy mouth and lips: This disorder is also caused by oral thrush and allergy to some foods.

Itchy mouth after eating



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