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Category: Dentistry

Jul 13
Gum infection (symptoms, causes and treatment methods)

A gum infection occurs when bacteria accumulates in or around the gums. People can take steps to prevent gum infection; such as observing oral hygiene and not smoking and seeing the dentist regularly. Visiting a dentist is important because they can remove plaque and prevent infection. If you notice any signs of infection or gingivitis, […]

Jul 12
Oral warts; Oral treatment and methods of HPV transmission

Most people who are very sexually active will be infected with human papilloma or HPV virus at some point in their lives. Because HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted viruses. However, there are more than 100 types of HPV, 40 of which cause oral and throat warts. HPV is also transmitted through […]

Jul 11
Oral abscess (causes, prevention and treatment)

Oral abscesses are often painful, but some abscesses are painless. In any case, a specialist dentist should be consulted to treat the abscess; Because visiting at the first opportunity is very important and prevents the infection from progressing and involving other parts of the face as well as other parts of the body. The opening […]

Jul 10
Everything about the oral health of children and adults

Maintaining oral and dental hygiene has a significant impact on maintaining body health. If you want to protect your teeth from the risk of decay: take the messages about oral hygiene seriously; Choose the best health products; Learn the correct way to brush and floss your teeth and visit the dentist at regular intervals. Teeth […]

Jul 09
What is toothache and how to get rid of it at home?

Accumulation of biofilm or dental plaque on the edge or on the tooth causes decay and toothache. Therefore, it is necessary to remove these plaques from the teeth daily to prevent tooth decay and pain. Accumulation of plaque on the tooth makes it easy for the bacteria in it to break down the sugar in […]

Jul 08
Why do teeth hurt and this pain increases at night?

Toothache is one of the most common symptoms in dentistry, therefore, it is one of the topics that has always received attention. Toothache usually occurs when an environmental change has occurred and caused damage to sensitive tissues. Research shows that about 90% of patients who come to the office for the treatment of toothache have […]

Jul 07
Learn more about gum diseases and gum surgery

During life, damage to the gums may occur due to various reasons, including lifestyle, hereditary and hormonal problems or genetics. These reasons, in addition to the change in appearance, can be accompanied by pain, which will definitely lead to gum disease and damage to the teeth. In cases where the intensity of these changes and […]

Jul 06
Factors affecting the growth of teeth and the reasons for their impact

When the crown of the tooth is complete and the root begins to grow, the tooth begins to move until it passes through the tissues of the jaw and appears in the oral cavity. Although usually the appearance of a tooth in the mouth is called eruption, but in fact, eruption begins as soon as […]

Jul 05
Impacted wisdom teeth and their complications

In this article, we are going to mention the explanations about the wisdom tooth and the changes caused by it. For this purpose, we first write explanations about the introduction of wisdom teeth. Then, we list the reasons for its impingement, and finally, we mention the complications caused by it and the diseases caused by […]

Jul 04
Fear of wisdom tooth surgery

If you are also afraid of pulling your wisdom teeth, stay with us in this article to reduce this fear and anxiety to a great extent by knowing the steps of the treatment and the effective factors in the treatment. Effective factors in treatment are: The role of the dentist Use of laser in wisdom […]