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Yellowing of teeth after orthodontics

After finishing the orthodontic treatment, the teeth may turn yellow in some cases and this can be a concern. Yellowing of teeth after orthodontics may be due to the following factors:

  1. Tooth enamel drawing: During the orthodontic treatment performed by the orthodontist, if the tooth enamel becomes thinner, the teeth will appear yellower.
  2. Stain density: After the orthodontic appliance is removed, stains and dental deposits that have formed during treatment may need more time to clean. This may cause the teeth to appear more yellow.
  3. Improper care: During orthodontic treatment, taking care of teeth and oral hygiene is very important. If proper oral hygiene is not performed and teeth are not cleaned for a long time, yellowing of teeth may occur.

If your teeth have turned yellow after orthodontic treatment and you are worried, it is better to consult a dental specialist. He can check your dental conditions and give you the necessary tips to improve the color of your teeth.

The main cause of yellowing teeth

The main causes of yellowing teeth can include the following:

  1. Improper nutrition: Consumption of substances such as coffee, tea, cannabis, sweets, and rainbows can lead to yellowing of teeth. These materials have strong pigments that stick to the surface of the tooth and make it yellow.
  2. Consumption factors: Smoking and tobacco consumption can also cause yellowing of teeth. Substances known as tobacco contain harmful chemical compounds that accumulate on the teeth and accelerate their yellowing. The treatment of this part of yellowing also happens by tooth restoration.
  3. Normal function: yellowing of teeth may be due to normal function and aging of teeth. Throughout life, the white layer known as the tooth’s protective layer (enamel) hardens slightly and the underlying layer called dentin gradually shows through. This makes the teeth look a little more yellow.
  4. Enamel drawing: In some people, tooth enamel is naturally thinner and more transparent. This makes the underlying layer of the tooth, which determines the inner color of the tooth, more visible and the teeth appear more yellow.
  5. Internal factors: Some diseases, taking some drugs, chemical compounds inside the teeth, and improper implementation of whitening methods can be effective in yellowing teeth.

Along with oral hygiene tips, proper care and implementation of teeth whitening techniques can help reduce yellowness and maintain the natural color of teeth.

Causes of yellowing teeth in orthodontics

There are important reasons that cause teeth to turn yellow. In the following, we will explain these things to you:

  • Aging: The outer layers of tooth enamel can change color with age and overtime under the influence of various internal and external factors.
  • Genetics: Hereditary and genetic factors are important factors that can change the color of teeth. Normally, some people have darker teeth than others.
  • Failure to observe oral and dental hygiene: One of the most important things that causes the color of your teeth to change during orthodontics is failure to observe proper oral and dental hygiene. Not brushing and not using mouthwash and dental floss regularly can increase the plaques on the teeth and eventually create thick yellow layers on the teeth.
  • The effect of some mouthwashes: It is interesting to know that frequent use of some mouthwashes can have a destructive effect on your teeth. For this reason, it is recommended to consult your orthodontist about the type of mouthwash you use during orthodontics. Mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine or cetyl pyridinium eventually cause stains on the teeth. So, pay attention to the type of mouthwash during orthodontics.
  • Existence of some specific diseases: Some diseases do not affect the yellowing of teeth. For example, some infections of women during pregnancy can cause yellowing of the baby’s teeth by affecting the fetus.
  • Use of certain medications: Children under the age of 8 who take medications such as doxycycline or tetracycline antibiotics can develop yellow teeth.
  • Tooth trauma: Sometimes trauma to the teeth can lead to yellowing of the teeth. A blow can cause the pulp of the tooth to bleed and this will result in yellowing of the tooth.
  • Excessive consumption of colored foods and drinks: Excessive consumption of colored drinks such as tea, coffee, etc. has a significant effect on changing the color of teeth. For this reason, it is recommended to always wash your mouth with water after drinking them.
  • Smoking: Another very important cause of teeth discoloration and yellowing is smoking and smoking. Tobacco and tobacco that are present in these materials cause the formation of thick yellow layers on the teeth.

Treatment methods for tooth yellowing in orthodontics

To treat the yellowing of teeth after orthodontic treatment, the following methods can be used:

  • Regular oral care: Taking care of your teeth and oral hygiene is very important. Regular toothbrushing, brushing at least twice a day, and using dental floss to clean the space between the teeth can help maintain the natural color of the teeth.
  • Use of whitening products: Teeth whitening products such as toothpaste, whitening gel, and toothpaste can be used to help lighten the color of teeth. But before using these products, it is better to consult your dentist.
  • Scaling: Scaling or teeth cleaning by a dentist can be effective for removing stains and dental deposits and improving the color of teeth. This method involves cleaning the teeth using special tools and is used as a professional method to improve the appearance of the teeth.
  • Professional Whiteners: In some cases, your dentist may use professional whiteners such as teeth bleaching. These procedures are performed by a dentist and can improve the color of the teeth. It is important to consult your dentist before doing any treatment. He can examine the condition of your teeth and determine the best treatment method for you. Also, maintaining regular oral and dental care after orthodontic treatment is very important to maintain the color of the teeth.

Methods to prevent yellowing of teeth during orthodontics

To prevent yellowing of teeth during orthodontic treatment, you can use the following strategies:

  • Regular oral hygiene: Careful dental care and oral hygiene, including brushing at least twice a day and flossing, can help reduce the stains and plaque that accelerate yellowing.
  • Limit the consumption of colored foods: Limit the consumption of foods and drinks that have strong pigments such as coffee, tea, sausage, and cola. These drinks can change the color of the teeth and accelerate their yellowing.
  • Use of inhibitory Listerine: Using oral disinfectant with inhibitory compounds such as inhibitory Listerine can help reduce the formation of stains and dental deposits and maintain the natural color of teeth.
  • Special care with brackets: If the orthodontic appliance includes clear or white brackets, careful care of them is important. Using special tools and clear phoenixes to clean the brackets and protect the surface of the teeth can help prevent yellowing of the teeth.
  • Regular dental check-ups: Keep regular check-ups with your dentist. These examinations seek to identify and treat any dental problems and dental deposits that may lead to yellowing of the teeth.
  • Avoiding smoking and tobacco use: Smoking and tobacco use can cause yellowing of teeth. Therefore, quitting smoking and refraining from using tobacco will help maintain the natural color of the teeth.

It is important to implement the above strategies along with the guidance and advice of your dentist in Richmond Hill to prevent premature yellowing of teeth during orthodontic treatment.


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