The three end and lateral teeth in each jaw are called molars (or large molars). The third and last of these teeth are also called wisdom teeth. This tooth grows abnormally in many people and not only causes damage to other adjacent teeth, but also can damage the gum tissue and sensitive vessels around it. Wisdom teeth usually sprout later than other teeth. The age of sprouting and falling out of the gums is usually between the ages of 17 and 12. In some situations, we have to pull these teeth in time. Read in this article why and when to pull upper or lower wisdom teeth.
The history of wisdom teeth can be traced back to ancient and early human history, when human ancestors used them to chew plant tissues. The results of various researches have shown that the first humans had bigger jaws compared to the present time and the number of their teeth was also more. The high number of teeth in early humans helped them to chew and swallow the leaves and branches of plants better.
But these days, when our food sources contain more energy and more carbohydrates, our jaws are smaller than those of our ancestors, and therefore we have less space for teeth to grow.
It is interesting that as the technologies available in the field of oral and dental health have become more advanced and diets have become softer, we no longer need wisdom teeth as before. But nevertheless, the wisdom tooth still sprouts along with our other teeth. If this tooth does not cause any problems for you, it usually remains in place, but if it causes problems for you and other teeth, you should proceed to extract the upper or lower wisdom teeth.
Apart from damage to the jaw bone and gum tissue, there are other symptoms that indicate that you need wisdom teeth extraction. For example, tooth crowding and intra-oral infection are two important reasons for pulling upper or lower wisdom teeth.
Usually, before the age of wisdom tooth sprouting, i.e. 17 to 25 years old, it is not possible to correctly comment on the growth of this tooth, unless you visit a dentist or an orthodontist. With the help of X-rays, an orthodontist can easily see the condition of wisdom teeth and predict how they will grow. But if you haven’t visited this specialist, you probably won’t notice it until the age of 17 to 25, even if your wisdom tooth has a problem. Because it has no special symptoms. As you enter this age, with the beginning of tooth sprouting or the delay in its growth, you will feel and see signs that show that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed. In the following cases, you should visit a dental clinic for tooth extraction.
One of the most important and significant problems related to wisdom teeth is the impaction of this tooth. In other words, instead of coming out directly from the gum, this tooth is tilted and it no longer comes out from the gum, or it comes out half and half. Wisdom tooth impaction can affect other teeth and even cause abscesses and dental cysts. In order to prevent this problem, wisdom teeth should be extracted in most cases.
An impacted wisdom tooth can cause infection in the gums and jawbone. This infection can cause the jaw bone to be damaged, and the gum tissue can become infected and appear inflamed. With the spread of the infection, you will suffer severe pain, and the jawbone can also become infected, and with the swelling of various parts around the infected tooth, there is a possibility of cutting off the blood supply to parts of the face. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of harmful infection, it is necessary to remove wisdom teeth.
Because the wisdom tooth can cause crowding and congestion by putting pressure on other teeth. This makes brushing difficult. People with wisdom teeth usually have bad breath because no matter what they do, they cannot clean the particles of food from the teeth.
Wisdom teeth are a bit more difficult to access and clean than other teeth. Despite these difficulties, it is more likely that plaque and tartar will form on the wisdom teeth. If these teeth are not taken care of, decay may occur in them and they may even turn black and have holes. In these cases, wisdom teeth are usually broken.
According to 3 compelling reasons that you will read below, wisdom tooth extraction (timely extraction) may be the best option for maintaining your oral and dental health and general health:
If the remaining wisdom teeth in your mouth pose a threat to your health, in order to prevent conditions such as crowding of teeth, pain, damage to nerves and jaw bones, as well as cavities, the dentist will remove your last tooth.
You should remove your wisdom teeth early to prevent the formation of tumors that require dental surgery later. It is better to pull the tooth when it is not yet crooked, but there is a possibility of crookedness and damage to it.
If it is determined that you have an impacted tooth or you are genetically facing a wisdom tooth problem, you will be told to remove your wisdom teeth before puberty. Why? Because when your jawbone stops growing, wisdom tooth extraction is more difficult and costs more. But at the beginning of adolescence and youth, if there is a problem, teeth can be extracted.