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Why do teeth hurt and this pain increases at night?

Toothache is one of the most common symptoms in dentistry, therefore, it is one of the topics that has always received attention. Toothache usually occurs when an environmental change has occurred and caused damage to sensitive tissues. Research shows that about 90% of patients who come to the office for the treatment of toothache have pain of dental origin. Therefore, it is the duty of the dentist to relieve the pain of the patients with the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. The difference between dental pain and non-dental pain should be kept in mind; Because in some cases, the patient’s complaint of toothache has a non-dental cause. The dentist should pay attention to this point; Otherwise, based on a wrong diagnosis, he will take a wrong treatment and the result is a patient complaint; That means the pain will remain.

History of dental pain treatment

In the early years of the 20th century, the best way to treat the pain of the teeth that needed treatment was to pull them out, and without a doubt, many subsequent problems plagued the patients. It is obvious that the removal or reduction of pain should be through knowledge and awareness of its origin and mechanism. Among the solutions that are considered today to reduce pain and treat toothache are tooth filling and tooth root canal, which according to the amount of decay and its reach to the root of the tooth, the dentist considers the type of treatment for your tooth.

Toothache can be caused by a problem that is not related to the tooth. A number of patients suffer from toothache due to pain from other parts of the body. For example, suppuration of the sinuses leads to pain in the upper and back teeth of the jaw, and the cause is the proximity of the sinuses to these teeth. It is also rare that a toothache is a symptom of a heart attack. One of the other causes of toothache can be caused by gum disease and infection, which causes inflammation of the gum and bone, resulting in swelling and loss of bone around the tooth.

The cause of toothache and pain reduction methods

In many patients, the cause of toothache may be nerve pain, and this pain is felt in your teeth as a pounding and severe pain, and after a few seconds, this pain is relieved. Although this pain may end after a few moments, you should visit a dentist to find out its cause. At the same time, you can help prevent it through home remedies for toothache. For example, brush your teeth gently and use a soft toothbrush. If you have sensitive teeth, limit acidic foods and certain drinks. But if the cause of the toothache is its decay, the patient should see a dentist as soon as possible. Using home methods such as painkillers and natural methods like putting cloves on dental treatment is temporary and the patient should not be satisfied with these methods. Ignoring the signs of tooth decay may lead to more serious problems such as abscesses, gum disease, and tooth loss.

Why does the toothache increase at night and at bedtime?

At night, due to the lying position we are in, the pressure of the entire head increases, and this causes the internal pressure of the blood vessels inside the teeth to increase. Therefore, with the increase in the pressure of the blood vessels, there is more pressure on the nerves and the tooth feels painful. Therefore, for the patient who has this problem while sleeping, he gets up and walks. This will reduce his toothache; Because walking reduces blood pressure. Also, patients who suffer from toothache while sleeping may conclude that drinking cold water can help relieve their pain; Because cold water reduces the pressure of the tooth’s blood vessels and relaxes the nerves near the tooth. Also, brushing the teeth with salt water can lead to the treatment of toothache; Because salt water is an anti-bacterial solution and it relieves your teeth temporarily against infection.

Treatment of toothache (how to get rid of it)

When the tooth decay progresses too much, it means that the pain has reached the part of the nerve, the pain is traumatic and the teeth become very sensitive. This sensitivity is manifested in the face of cold and hot food and it bothers you, and it is calmed down only by taking painkillers such as acetaminophen. This treatment is not definitive, but you should go to the doctor and have a root canal performed for you, which differs according to the extent of the decay to the root of the tooth. It depends on how many canals your tooth root has and which tooth needs root canal.

In general, you should know that all suggested treatments (home and drug) to get rid of toothache are temporary and the only way to get rid of toothache is to go to the dentist and remove the decay or root canal. Of course, if you want to get rid of your toothache temporarily, I suggest you read the following article.

What is toothache and how to get rid of it at home?

The last word about toothaches

If the teeth are not brushed well and the dental floss is not used, over time food or sweets will lead to tooth decay. If you go to the dentist every 6 months, you will notice the decay of your teeth and repair them as soon as possible. If the desired treatment is done late, it may reach the nerve and need root canal treatment. Also, keep in mind that home treatment methods such as adding cloves, garlic, vanilla extract, black tea and salt water are completely temporary methods and will not be effective in the permanent treatment of your tooth. So take care of your oral hygiene as soon as possible and take health recommendations seriously.


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