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What should you avoid after implant treatment?

If you have recently had an implant surgery, you should know some tips regarding its care. After dental implant surgery, be careful to only drink cold drinks and not eat solid food until the local anesthetic wears off. Avoid hot drinks or hot food on the first day so that fluids do not spill on the newly operated area. Try not to touch the affected area with your tongue or fingers. Do not do vigorous exercise (eg jogging/going to the gym) for the first 48 hours. In the continuation of this article, what should you avoid after implant treatment?

Will there be swelling or bruising around the implant?

You may have some swelling and/or bruising after treatment – ​​this usually peaks two to three days later. This is completely normal and both will subside naturally after a few days. Swelling can be reduced with ice packs (or a bag of frozen peas) wrapped in a towel. Keep on the cheek area for a maximum of ten minutes each time with twenty minutes of rest. After twenty-four hours, mild heat is more helpful. Sleeping on two or three pillows may also help.

Will there be pain after implant surgery?

Pain should not be a big problem. Although you may have pain in your mouth for a few days after any surgery, it can be easily controlled with simple pain relievers. You should take these regularly at the maximum dosage for the first two days after surgery. Take whatever pain reliever you normally take for headaches, pain, and sprains (ibuprofen and paracetamol are good combinations), and take your first dose before the local anesthetic wears off completely.

If you experience increased pain and swelling after a few days, you should visit the implant center as soon as possible to make sure that you have not started to develop an infection.

Can I use my dentures after treatment?

If you have a denture that covers the surgical area, please wear it as little as possible in the first week to protect the surgical site during the initial healing period. You should always leave the prosthesis out at night.

How are the stitches around the implant?

Stitches can be removed, but they usually stay for about two to three weeks. If they are upsetting or annoying, you can contact us to remove them.

Some minor bleeding after surgery in the mouth is completely normal. If this persists, apply pressure by biting down firmly on a damp gauze pad or clean tissue for sixty minutes while sitting up straight. Do not constantly check or replace the gas. If you continue to bleed for any reason after applying pressure in this way, you should contact us.

If you have been given a course of antibiotics to take after surgery, please make sure you complete the course. We want your recovery to be as peaceful and pleasant as possible.

It is very important that you follow these instructions carefully – if you have any concerns or questions about your progress, please contact us. The out-of-hours contact number is always available on our answering machine.

What to expect on the first day of treatment?

For the first 30 minutes after surgery, you will want to apply pressure to the gauze packs with your bite. This will hold them in place. For almost everyone, bleeding stops within the first 30 minutes. If you are still bleeding after 30 minutes of intense pressure. Put the new gauze in place for another 30 minutes. After that, you should change the gauze every 30 to 45 minutes until the bleeding stops.

Some of the symptoms you may experience on the first day include:

  • seepage
  • Continuous bleeding
  • swelling
  • the pain

These are all expected signs that your body is healing itself. To help you heal faster and reduce pain, here are some dental implant recovery tips to keep in mind:

  1. Be careful not to disturb the surgical areas
  2. Gently brush your teeth on the night of surgery with a toothbrush
  3. After 24 hours, rinse gently with salt water 2-3 times a day
  4. Rest as much as possible
  5. Apply ice as needed

In the second and third days after surgery, your body will continue to heal, but you must continue to take care of your mouth to help this process. You may notice discoloration or bruising around the surgical areas, but this is normal and should only last 2-3 days after surgery. Afterward, you can apply moist heat to the area to reduce discoloration.

This is also common if you feel a sharp bump or edge on your tooth. If this concerns you, contact your dentist in Kingston. You may also experience dry lips, a sore throat, and stiff jaw muscles, all expected signs of gas in the mouth. All of these should go away after about 2-3 days.

How to care for dental implants

Here are some general guidelines for how to care for your implant in the days following the procedure to help with your recovery time:

Rinse your mouth with salt water, taking five minutes to consume a full 8-ounce glass. You can do this as often as you like, at least twice a day.

Gently brush your teeth as you normally would, as soon as you can after the procedure. Because you may have pain and swelling, you may not be able (or willing) to brush regularly. but

Oral hygiene is very important during this recovery period.

Another thing to consider during the recovery period is a change in diet, which we will discuss in the next section. During the healing period, you will likely experience oozing, bleeding, swelling, and pain. You will want to continue your oral hygiene as well.


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