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What is the probability of success of a dental implant?

If you have experienced tooth loss, you know that not having teeth affects your appearance and ability to chew effectively. Dental implants, which have been used for half a century, are a safe and effective solution. If you have any concerns or questions about the success of dental implants, we have explained them in this article.

However, dental implants, like any medical procedure, can have side effects. Choosing a knowledgeable and trained dental implant implant dentist will help minimize complications and ensure that any problems are dealt with skillfully.

But what is the probability of success of dental implants? In this article, we will look at why dental implants are the best alternative to dental implants, what causes tooth loss and loss of dental implants, as well as factors that affect the success rate of dental implants.

Why is a dental implant the best alternative to a tooth?

Dental implants are the closest you can get to healthy, natural teeth. They let you live the way you want to live, eat confidently, smile, laugh, talk, and enjoy all your daily activities without worrying about your teeth.

Not all dental restorations can achieve this. Most dentists recommend dental implants to replace missing teeth because, in terms of function and characteristics, the implanted tooth acts almost like a natural tooth. Studies have shown a success rate of more than 95% for the implant repair process.

In addition, they are the only tooth replacement option that actually helps stimulate bone growth and prevent bone resorption. Implantation of dental implants as soon as possible after tooth loss helps to prevent bone loss at the site.

What is the cause of tooth loss and loss of dental implants?

Before booking your initial consultation, there may be a few things you want to know before deciding on a dental implant.

Because dental implants work just like natural teeth, you still need to take good care of them, just like your teeth. Properly cared for dental implants can last for decades, although there are two main reasons for tooth loss and tooth implant loss. they are:

  • bacterias
  • Pressure

Application of permanent dental implants

Bacteria can cause tooth decay and gum disease (periodontitis) in teeth, and while dental implants are not prone to decay, they are also prone to gum disease, also called peri-implantitis.

In addition, stress can cause many problems for a person’s dental health. Applying abnormal forces to teeth or dental implants can lead to tooth wear, bone loss, or even fracture of the dental implant.

It is important to see your dental implant dentist periodically for further examinations, just like your regular dentist.

Factors affecting the success rate of dental implants


Infected tissue can delay or even stop the healing process after a dental implant is placed.

This is one of the few reasons for implant failure. Well-trained implant dentists prescribe antimicrobial flushing and antibiotics to reduce the risk of postoperative infection.

Support bone quality

Bone quality can affect the initial stability and the length of time it takes for the implant to integrate with the bone. It generally takes 6 months or more for the implant to integrate into the soft bone.

There is a risk of increased motility in this type of bone and this can prevent the implant from integrating and the implant from failing.

Your dental surgeon will take extra precautions to adjust your external prosthesis or temporary teeth so that there is no slight movement on your implant. Dietary restrictions may also be recommended to help prevent premature loading on your implant.

Cigarettes and diabetes

Adequate blood supply to the supporting bone is essential for rapid implant healing. Smoking can reduce blood flow to the gums and support bones. This slows down the healing process and can increase the risk of implant failure.

Uncontrolled diabetes leads to poor recovery and increased susceptibility to infection, which can lead to implant failure.

Dental implants and their possible complications

Your dental surgeon may advise you to quit smoking before implant placement (s), or if you have diabetes, your A1C level should be below a certain level before having implant surgery.

Observe oral health

Oral hygiene is very important when living with a dental implant. Implanted teeth can be cleaned like any other natural tooth.

The area under implant repair should be carefully cleaned to make sure there are no food debris or bacteria. Accumulation of food particles and bacteria around implant repair can increase the risk of periodontal infection.

Just as bacteria can cause bone loss around teeth, bacteria can also cause bone loss around dental implants, called peri-implantitis.

Oral hygiene around teeth and implants and a regular 3 to 6 month examination and cleaning schedule with a dentist or dental hygienist are essential.


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