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What is the cause of bleeding gums and how should it be treated?

Bleeding gums are the most common symptom of gum disease, but they can also indicate other health problems and disorders. Sometimes we may experience bleeding gums due to using an inappropriate toothbrush or applying too much pressure while brushing. But if luck is not on your side and you encounter frequent bleeding from this tissue, you may have one of the following problems:

  • Periodontitis (advanced form of gum disease)
  • Leukemia (bleeding gums and leukemia are directly related)
  • Lack of vitamins needed by the body
  • Insufficient or absent blood clotting cells (platelets)

The most common causes of this problem are:


When we do not take care of oral hygiene, we open the way for the formation of plaque. Plaques are caused by the activity of bacteria and minerals in food and saliva. Dental plaque can grow on the teeth and increase. If this happens, the gums will be damaged and gum disease or infection may develop.

If you brush your teeth regularly, you can prevent the formation of plaque and prevent its progress. By doing this, you prevent tooth decay and the creation of cavities and holes on its surface. But if you don’t brush or floss properly, plaque can progress to the gum line and below.

If plaque is not removed soon enough, it can harden and turn into tartar, which is a rougher version of dental plaque. All these problems cause severe gum infection and gingivitis.

Symptoms of gingivitis include the following:

  • Swelling of the gums
  • Moderate to severe pain in the mouth and around the gums
  • bleeding gums


Periodontal disease (periodontitis) is an advanced and more serious version of gingivitis and occurs when you do not treat the primary gum infection. Periodontal disease is a type of severe gum infection that attacks the jaw and supporting tissues of the teeth. In addition to bleeding from the gums, periodontitis can cause teeth to loosen or fall out.

Vitamin deficiencies

Which vitamin deficiency causes bleeding gums? Vitamin C and vitamin K deficiency can also cause bleeding gums. If bleeding from your gums does not indicate a disease, ask your dentist or doctor to measure the amount and level of vitamin C and vitamin K in your body, so that if the levels of these vitamins are low, they can prescribe supplements for you or take action yourself. Eat foods that are rich in these vitamins.

Foods rich in vitamin C that can help treat bleeding gums caused by vitamin C deficiency include:

  • Citrus fruits and juices
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberry
  • tomato
  • potatoes
  • Bell pepper

Some foods rich in vitamin K also include:

  • more water
  • Cabbage
  • spinach
  • Chard
  • Lettuce
  • Soy
  • olive oil

Other causes of bleeding gums

Other causes that can contribute to bleeding gums include:

  • Bleeding from the gums after gum surgery: If you have undergone gum surgery, you may experience minor bleeding after the procedure.
  • Dentures: People with dentures may also occasionally experience bleeding gums. Probably, in these cases, the prostheses put pressure on the gums or are firmly in place.
  • Dental implant failure or implant infection: If the dental implant fails or the surrounding tissue becomes infected, there is a possibility of gum bleeding, swelling, and gum pain.
  • Orthodontic devices: If dental orthodontic devices including orthodontic arch wire or brackets are not secured well, there is a possibility of damage to the gums and bleeding.
  • Pregnancy: Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can cause gum sensitivity and bleeding. In fact, bleeding gums during pregnancy is one of the common symptoms and problems in pregnant women.
  • Bleeding disorders such as hemophilia and leukemia can also increase the risk of bleeding gums. If you take blood thinners, your gums may bleed more. Blood thinners include warfarin, aspirin, and heparin.

Treatment of bleeding gums

  • Improving oral hygiene is the first step in managing bleeding gums.
  • Visit your dentist or a specialized teeth brushing clinic twice a year for specialized teeth cleaning and scaling. If you have gum disease, the dentist will inform you that you have gum disease and teach you how to brush your teeth properly. Proper brushing and flossing can remove plaque from your gum line and reduce the risk of periodontal disease.
  • Your dentist may also teach you how to use an antiseptic mouthwash to minimize plaque build-up in your mouth.
  • Rinsing your mouth and teeth with warm salt water can also help relieve the pain of swollen gums that bleed easily.
  • Try using a soft toothbrush. If your gums are inflamed, be sure to use soft toothbrushes to prevent bleeding gums.
  • If you have problems using normal toothbrushes and usually have oral bleeding, it is better to replace the electric toothbrush with an electric toothbrush. You may also consider using an electric toothbrush.

If your gum bleeding problem is chronic, visit a dental clinic

While bleeding gums are the most common symptom of dental problems, various factors can contribute to its formation. If you have been experiencing frequent bleeding from this tissue for some time, visit a dental clinic.

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