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What is severe toothache or ODONTALGIA?

If you have a toothache, call your dentist immediately. A toothache can be caused by an infection or injury, and if left untreated, it can lead to significant dental problems. Severe chronic pain in one or more teeth is called “odontalgia”. This type of pain is characterized by constant throbbing. Often, those who experience toothache caused by an infection may need root canal treatment or periodontal treatment to treat gum disease.

Odontalgia: severe toothache

Odontalgia is also known as unusual facial pain. What makes this type of toothache unusual? While common toothaches can be triggered by hot or cold foods or drinks, or by using an injured tooth, odontalgia is chronic and does not seem to be affected by use. Common toothaches (known as dentalgia) also have easily identifiable causes such as decay or injury. However, odontalgia can be toothache caused by infection, caused by periodontal treatment, or have a cause that is not easy to diagnose.

Constant throbbing pain is characteristic of odontalgia. This pain can also spread to other teeth or areas of the mouth. In addition, anesthetics may not relieve pain.

What can you do to treat dentalgia? If you have chronic pain even after a dental procedure, contact your dentist immediately. They investigate the cause of this pain and provide a treatment plan to fix it.


If you have had a filling or root canal done, it is possible that you have odontalgia. Typically, this pain begins after the procedure is completed to resolve the decay, injury, or infection. With so many nerve endings inside the tooth, even a little decay or damage can cause severe tooth pain. A root canal that does not remove all the damaged tissue inside the tooth can lead to chronic pain and sensitivity. Unfortunately, this type of pain often persists for months or even years with little resolution. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can also cause chronic pain.

Prevention is the best way to avoid odontalgia or toothache caused by infection. Brushing your teeth twice a day with a soft toothbrush can help prevent the accumulation of harmful bacteria on your teeth. Additionally, regular visits to the dentist for cleanings and checkups can help you catch minor issues before they become major problems.

Odontalgia doesn’t have to derail your life. If you are ready for chronic pain relief, it’s time to make an appointment with the general dentists in Canada and don’t let severe toothache affect your quality of life.


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