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What is orthodontic wax?

Orthodontic wax is one of the most important and useful materials used after orthodontics. When a person gets orthodontics, brackets and protruding wires are placed inside the mouth, which can cause damage and scarring to the gums and other oral tissues.

People who have just had their teeth orthodontic are more sensitive to these brackets and the incidence of any kind of wound and blister inside them is higher. If these wounds do not heal, they will definitely become infected and cause more serious problems for the person. In addition, the occurrence of any wound and blister, even minor, can be very painful and prevent a person from eating. In the following, we will discuss the complete orthodontic wax and how to use orthodontic wax.

What is orthodontic wax?

Orthodontic wax is a soft and completely safe substance that can be used by people of all ages to protect the gums or tissues inside the mouth. These injuries are caused by the use of brackets and wires in dental orthodontics. The gums and the tissue inside the teeth are very sensitive and vulnerable, and since the orthodontic brackets are prominent and have sharp edges, they are easily damaged.

This problem happens especially in the first days and weeks when you have done orthodontics. In this case, using dental wax can be very effective and helpful. Sometimes the brackets or wires are broken and it may not be possible to go to the dentist for a few days to a week to repair them. In these cases, the use of orthodontic wax is excellent and prevents the gums from being damaged. Wax creates a gap between the brackets and the gum and tooth tissue.

What materials is dental wax made of?

Orthodontic wax is usually made of natural wax, but sometimes different materials are added to it and it may have a different taste or structure. Different raw materials are used to make these waxes. To produce some of them, beeswax or carnauba wax is used. Some others are also made from paraffin.

These waxes are prepared in such a way that they are completely safe and if a part of them is eaten with food, it will not cause any problem or danger to the health of the person. These waxes are usually unflavored, but there are examples of flavored waxes with flavors such as mint.

How to use orthodontic wax

To use this wax, you must follow the steps below carefully. Compliance with the mentioned points can be effective in better and more effective use.

Preparation of wax

Usually, you do not need to prepare wax separately, and after performing orthodontics, the orthodontic doctor will give you a box containing the basic necessities, which also contains orthodontic wax. Some pharmacies also have orthodontic wax and you can get it there if the dentist didn’t give you wax or ran out. Orthodontic wax is usually used only in the early days. After that, the tissue inside the mouth will be firmer and you will need less wax.

Washing hands

Before using the wax, be sure to wash your hands well with soap and water and dry them. The inside of the mouth is a sensitive environment and the entry of any bacteria into it may cause various diseases. Especially if the inside of the mouth is sore, this problem becomes more serious. Washing hands for 20 seconds is enough.

Preparation of wax

Take enough of the wax and gently smooth it with your fingertips. The heat of the hand and the movement of the fingers softens and shapes it. Make small balls the size of a corn or a pea. Its size is very important, it should fit well in the mouth, cover the bracket and wires, but not fill the mouth space in a way that causes discomfort.

Drying the brackets

To put wax on brackets and wires, be sure to clean and dry them completely. If the space where you put the wax is wet, the wax will not set well and will come off quickly. The drier the brackets and the environment where the wax is placed, the longer the wax lasts.

Placing wax in the mouth

After preparing the wax, check the inside of your mouth thoroughly. Find red or swollen spots and apply wax to the surrounding brackets and wires. In addition, cover any of the orthodontic parts that have sharp parts with wax. If the wounds created in the mouth are infected, you must treat them. Put the wax on the desired area and fix it with hand pressure.

Compliance with oral hygiene

Usually, after eating, a large amount of food gets stuck in the brackets and may cause infection. It is better to clean all the brackets and their surroundings well after every meal so that no food particles remain. After that, be sure to brush your teeth so that the teeth, brackets and used wax remain clean. It is better to change waxes daily so that they do not become a place for bacteria to accumulate.

How to remove orthodontic wax

You can use various tools such as toothpicks, toothbrushes, and dental floss to remove wax from your teeth. It is better to wash your hands completely first and remove the wax by hand. After that, separate the remaining parts with the help of scissors. Finally, brush your teeth until they are completely clean. Then you can use new wax if needed. Waxes do not come off with food. Of course, if pieces of it are eaten with food, it will not cause any problems for a person.

Alternatives to dental wax

As it was said, this wax is in the essentials box and will be provided to you by the dentist. But if you don’t have wax available and can’t get it from pharmacies, you can use substitutes.

Candle wax

Candle wax is one of the best substitutes for orthodontic wax. It is enough to take some of it and place it on the brackets and orthodontic wires exactly according to the steps of using orthodontic wax.

Silicone wax

This type of wax is also one of the most common alternatives used instead of orthodontic wax. This material is prepared in the form of strips to be placed on the brackets. This type of wax is very resistant and is not damaged by saliva. Make sure you are not allergic to it before use.

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