Toothache is an experience that almost everyone has experienced. Throbbing tooth pain occurs when the tooth is damaged or decayed. Other causes of throbbing tooth pain are cavities in the anatomy of the tooth, infection and inflammation of the dental pulp. Damage or cavity in the tooth causes air and germs to penetrate into the tooth and irritate the dental pulp, which includes nerves and blood vessels. In this case, the person feels a toothache. In the following, we will explain the cause of throbbing tooth pain and how to treat it.
This type of toothache has other symptoms in addition to the feeling of throbbing:
If you feel any of the above symptoms, go to the dentist immediately along with the radiograph of the tooth.
“Treatment of tooth decay: the cavity created in the tooth is repaired by the dentist. After treating caries, it is necessary to perform dental scaling to remove dental plaques.”
“Treatment of tooth abscess:
Causes of gingivitis:
“Treatment of gum infection: taking antibiotics and removing dental plaque by scaling teeth and using mouthwash. In more severe cases, gum surgery may be needed.”
“Treatment of grinding teeth: making and using a mouth guard prevents the teeth from rubbing against each other.”
“Treating a loose dental veneer: repairing damaged teeth or replacing a new veneer by a dentist will cure throbbing tooth pain.”
Toothache and tooth infection may spread to the jawbone, throat and then to other areas of the face. If you experience any of the following symptoms, be sure to see a dentist.
If you cannot go to the dentist immediately, relieve the pain by observing the following points.