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What is a Swiss dental implant?

If you are looking for a permanent solution to fill in the gaps in your missing teeth, we recommend the Swiss dental implant. You may be wondering what a Swiss dental implant is and what it does. Swiss dental implants are the closest natural option to your normal teeth, and after implantation, you can have a very natural, beautiful, painless, pain-free smile because they are a great alternative to a natural look for missing teeth.

Swiss dental implants do not slip when talking, laughing or eating, and help preserve lost teeth. One of the major benefits of Swiss dental implants is maintaining the health of your jawbone so that the structure of your face stays healthy and healthy.

Dental implants allow you to live the life you want and give you the confidence to enjoy all your daily activities without worrying about eating, smiling, laughing, talking.

Information about Swiss dental implants

Swiss dental implants are the roots of dentures that have a screw-like shape. When dental implants are placed in the jawbone, they attach to your natural bone and form a solid support to support one or more dentures.

After the implant base is placed, a crown or so-called abutment is made by placing a connector on top of the dental implant to hold and support the bases of your implant; Because dental veneers are custom-made to fit your natural teeth.

Swiss dental implants have been used successfully in various parts of the world for over 30 years; Because they are the strongest and safest methods available to support missing teeth, and most importantly, they allow new teeth to have a natural shape and function.

If you go to an experienced and professional dentist for implant placement, dental implant surgery is one of the safest and most predictable methods in dentistry for patients.

Implant surgery under general anesthesia

Benefits of Swiss Dental Implants

Here are some of the many benefits you can expect from a dental implant:

  • Dental implants have been a proven option for the general public for over 30 years and are recommended to patients as a comprehensive and excellent solution to restore your smile after tooth loss in various accidents.
  • Dental implants, like natural teeth, are fully functional and seem so natural that our patients often forget that they had implants.
  • Implants are designed to work exactly like your natural teeth and, with proper care and hygiene, can last a lifetime.
  • If patients’ bodies are healthy enough to perform simple dental procedures such as tooth extraction, they can also receive dental implants.
  • They are a permanent solution for missing teeth that, unlike bridges and dentures that need to be replaced after several years of use, can last a lifetime.
  • Enough strength and stamina to eat and drink without discomfort or pain.
  • Having a beautiful, natural and new smile along with increasing self-confidence.
  • Prevention of bone atrophy that can occur over time in the absence of natural teeth.
  • During use, it does not slip or move at all.

Facts about dental implant placement

Dental implants are the only option for tooth restoration that preserves natural bone and actually helps stimulate bone growth.

Dental implants without surgery

How do dental implants work?

Dental implants are permanent and long-term alternatives that are surgically implanted in the jawbone. After placing the initial implant abutment and a certain amount of time to attach to the jawbone, the dentist covers the surface of the implant with a temporary denture.

Dentists usually use partial or complete dentures, bridges, or dentures to cover dental implants, depending on the patient’s needs and interests. Before having an American dental implant implanted, the dental team will make sure that the prosthesis fits snugly into your jawbone and works properly for the patient for years.

Steps of dental implant implantation

For most patients, dental implants often involve two surgeries.

First stage

  • Dental implants are placed inside the jawbone.
  • Recovery time after surgery varies from person to person and depends on various factors, such as the stiffness of the patient’s bone.
  • In some cases, dental implants can be repaired immediately after placement.
  • In the first three to four months after surgery, dental implants are placed below the surface of the gums and gradually attach to the jawbone.
  • At this time you should be able to use temporary dentures and a soft diet.
  • After attaching the dental implant to the jawbone, the second stage begins.

Second stage

  • The dental team attaches a small transparent tooth crown to the dental implant.
  • After four weeks, the dentist will be able to make your new teeth.
  • The temporary tooth crown is then replaced and the patient can eat normally as usual and the implant does not cause any discomfort.
  • The whole dental implant procedure usually takes six to eight months, and most patients do not experience any abnormalities in their daily lives.


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