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What factors make dental implant pain worse, ways to relieve pain

Have you recently had a dental implant procedure or a few months ago and are you still in pain? Don’t know the cause of the pain? Do you want to know how to relieve tooth pain after implant? So be sure to read this article.

The process of feeling pain in the mouth after implant surgery

Tooth pain relief after implant: first week

It is normal to experience pain for 5 or 7 days after the operation. During this week, taking painkillers such as ibuprofen can help relieve the pain after implant surgery.

Tooth pain relief after implant: after 2 weeks

Usually, from 10 days to 2 weeks after the dental implant operation, the patient should no longer experience any pain. If you still have pain, you should inform your dentist.

The cause of dental implant pain after about 3 to 4 months after the operation

If you have pain after 3 or 4 months of tooth implantation, you should look for the cause of this pain in the following cases:

  • The possibility of contracting autoimmune diseases that do not allow the mouth to heal
  • Decreased blood supply around the implant
  • Negative effects of some drugs
  • Lack of attention to health and poor oral hygiene
  • Incidence of chronic infection
  • Overload problem
  • Implant failure
  • Incidence of allergic reaction in response to the implant
  • Nerve damage

If you experience any of the above, you should see your implant specialist immediately.

After 1 year or more

In very, very rare cases, there is a possibility that the patient will still experience minor pain after 1 year of the operation. This pain is probably caused by the following:

  • smoking
  • The process of bleaching or whitening teeth in any way
  • Lack of attention to public health and especially oral health
  • Gum damage around the implant
  • Oral infection

Similarly, if you experience any of the above, see your specialist or dentist in Canada.

Effective factors in increasing dental implant pain

Loosening of the healing gap (a small piece of metal on the implant)

It is possible for the implant screw to loosen. In these cases, the dentist must remove the implant cap, clean it and install it again. If this is not done, the patient will experience dental implant pain.

Looseness of the implant

Those who intend to have implants must have good bone tissue. If the patient’s jaw does not have good bone density, the implant can damage the jaw and loosen it. This can cause tooth and jaw pain.

Incidence of infection

If the smallest infection occurs in the gum tissue, the patient can experience a lot of pain. Therefore, the patient should visit his dentist as soon as he feels or sees the symptoms of gum infection. If the infection is not detected early, the probability of failure of the operation result is high and the patient will feel the pain of the implant.

Partial to complete retraction of the used implant

If the operation is done correctly, the base of the implant easily sticks to the jaw bone and becomes strong. But if not, the bone may not allow the implant to stick to itself. As a result, the implant will loosen and become very painful.

Damage to the bone

One of the rare cases during implant implantation is bone burn. The drill can generate heat and cause bone damage. If the damage is serious, the surgeon and implant specialist must remove the damaged part and bone.

Nerve damage

It is very rare that the nerve or nerve vessels are damaged during this procedure. The occurrence of this depends on the surgeon and the implant specialist. If he damages the nerve while drilling, the patient will experience a lot of pain and the dental implant will probably have to be removed.

Ways to relieve tooth pain after dental implants

There are many ways to get rid of tooth pain after implant surgery. Some of these solutions include:

Refer to an experienced implant specialist or an accredited dental office

Some people make a mistake for implanting their teeth because some dentist or some clinic has a very low implant price. Cheap implants are not always the right option for you. Choosing the type of implant and the implant specialist directly affects the experience of pain after the implant operation.

Follow all the instructions of the implant specialist

After the operation, the dentist will give you recommendations. For example, it provides information on how to eat, possible diet, maintenance of implants, cleaning of teeth, and ways to relieve tooth pain after implants. Listen to all these recommendations and do them.

Take your medicine or change the dose

Medicines are usually prescribed to treat implant pain. If you feel that prescription drugs cannot relieve all your pain, be sure to talk to your surgeon to prescribe other drugs or the same drugs with a higher dose.

Use an ice pack

Be sure to use an ice pack or an ice pack on your cheek for at least 2 days after the operation. The coldness of the ice compress reduces swelling and tooth pain.

Do not forget the salt water

Using salt water is always a good idea to maintain oral health. Post-operative saline gargles can greatly reduce dental implant pain. Because salt can prevent the growth of infection.

Take care of your food

Until the implant is completely connected to the bone tissue and its position is stabilized, please refrain from eating hard food. Instead of these foods, try to eat soft and cool foods.

Maintain your oral hygiene

To reduce the pain of the dental implant, be sure to brush your teeth at least 3 times a day with a soft toothbrush, but start brushing two days after the dental implant operation.

Rest well

Similar to other procedures performed on the body, implant surgery requires a recovery period. For some time after the operation, you should give yourself and of course your mouth and jaw more rest. The more relaxed you are, the faster your recovery will be.




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