Children’s toothache is one of the common problems that will be a difficult experience for parents and makes them worried and anxious. Toothache in children causes sleeplessness at night, nightmares, and moodiness, these conditions will be very difficult for parents. Since the experience of toothache in children is annoying, naturally, children will be more afraid of going to the dentist, and most parents prefer to soothe their child’s toothache with painkillers; Failure to visit a children’s dentist and neglecting children’s toothache can cause much more serious problems for the child. In the following, we will talk more about the treatment of toothache in children.
What is the cause of toothache in children?
Food and food particles remaining between the teeth cause the growth of bacteria and the formation of dental plaque. Dental plaque eventually causes baby tooth decay and gum disease, and the progress of these two causes damage to the tooth nerve and causes toothache in children.
Another cause of toothache is gum disease. Failure to observe oral and dental hygiene causes redness and sensitivity of the gums. In this case, the gums bleed, which causes pain. But with regular brushing and flossing, this condition disappears.
Treatment of toothache in children
Use of toothbrush and dental floss: At first, to control and reduce toothache, parents should brush and floss all the child’s teeth to remove food residues from between the teeth.
Washing with salt water: To reduce swelling or pain, the child should swish salt water in his mouth for about 30 seconds and repeat this every hour if the pain continues.
Toothache in children is a problem that must be investigated by a pediatric dentist.Be sure to visit a pediatric dentist as soon as possible so that the cause and treatment can be determined as soon as possible by taking measures such as the following:
First, the extent of tooth damage is determined by a complete examination.
The tooth may need to be repaired and the pain will be relieved with a simple filling.
If the tooth is infected and abscessed, it is necessary to remove the pus and take therapeutic measures to eliminate the pain.
If the tooth is missing, it may need to be extracted.
Root canal treatment or denervation of children’s milk teeth by a children’s dentist is another treatment procedure when decay or any damage affects the tooth nerve.
Prevention of toothache in children
Carrying out some preventive measures will prevent the feeling of toothache in children or its treatment will be done on time and in a principled manner.
Regular check-ups by the children’s dentist and regular visits to the dentist in Kingston will help treat and restore infection and decay in the first stage. The less damaged the baby teeth are, the healthier the permanent teeth will grow.
Teach children basic and regular brushing so that it becomes part of their daily habits.
Control children’s diets and limit the use of sugary or salty sweets so that the teeth are less prone to decay.