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Tooth decay (causes, prevention and treatment)

The first and most common oral problem can be tooth decay. The United States estimates that the disease contributes an average of $27 billion a year to global productivity. Tooth decay can also lead to many infectious diseases related to the mouth, meningitis, middle ear infections and rheumatism. Therefore, although this disease can be considered a simple disease, but without attention and treatment can cause serious problems for human health. So, if you think you are experiencing it and you live in Canada, you will be better to visit a dentist in Canada.

What causes tooth decay?

The main cause of caries can be considered as Streptococcus bacteria. This bacterium dissolves acid, minerals, calcium and phosphorus in the enamel and crown of the tooth and causes tooth decay. Streptococcus bacteria grow in the microbial plaque that develops on the teeth as a result of nutrition and damages the teeth.

But this bacterium as a germ is not the only cause of decay. In general, the following four factors can be considered as the main causes of tooth decay.

  • Germs
  • Candy ingredients
  • Teeth resistance
  • passing of time

Although germs can be considered the main cause of caries, but in the absence of sugars, the caries does not spread, and if a person has higher dental resistance, the probability of caries will decrease even with the other two factors. Another factor that causes the spread of caries is the passage of time. In fact, caries does not occur in an hour or even a few days and it takes time for the caries to develop and spread.

Other factors play a role in the development and spread of tooth decay, which in this article, without explanation, we simply mention the following:

  1. Enamel structure and quality
  2. Anatomy of the buttocks and its grooves
  3. Quality and quantity of saliva
  4. Dental plaque
  5. Jaw and mouth muscle disorders
  6. diet
  7. Taking medications
  8. Congestion and disorder of the teeth

Which part of the tooth decays the most?

Often not all tooth surfaces decay uniformly, and the rate of decay is higher in some areas than in others. Typically, mill teeth, which play a more chewing role, are more prone to decay, especially the grooves of these teeth, which are secondarily more likely to decay on the interdental surfaces where toothbrush penetration is less. The next area that is most prone to decay is where the gums connect to the teeth.

What are the signs of tooth decay?

Normally, in the early stages and onset of caries, there are no specific symptoms in the teeth and mouth. Therefore, it is necessary to brush your teeth every 6 months and go to the dentist. With a clinical examination and the use of radiological images, the dentist can diagnose caries from the very first stage and take other treatment steps.

When the signs of caries are observed, it may be a little late and the dental pulp is infected. With dental pulp infection, root canal treatment is essential. However, the symptoms of caries can be listed as follows.

  1. Change the color of the teeth to a dark color
  2. Perforation or tooth decay at the site of caries
  3. Bad Breath
  4. Tooth sensitivity to heat or cold
  5. toothache

Prevention of tooth decay

This disease is usually unavoidable and almost all people get this complication over a lifetime. But postponing the occurrence of caries is a practice that is possible by observing some points. These tips can be listed as follows:

  • Complete observance of oral hygiene through:
    1. Brushing (at least twice a day)
    2. Flossing (at least twice a day) c
    3. Use fluoride mouthwash
  • Diet with less sugar
  • Brush your teeth and see a dentist every 6 months

Treatment of decayed teeth

It can be said that the only way to treat decayed teeth is to remove caries from hard and dental methods, and medical treatments can only relieve or prevent it. You can read the following article about getting acquainted with this treatment:

Learn more about dental fillings and different types of fillings

What problems can occur if tooth decay is not treated?

This disease is a contagious disease for the teeth and if not treated in time, this complication destroys the enamel tissue and damages the tooth nerve, and sometimes if left untreated, it can lead to tooth extraction or tooth extraction. But the main complication of not treating caries is the involvement of the dental canals and the tooth nerve, which causes a lot of toothache and will have consequences for sleep and life disorders.

Other dental complications if caries is not treated are as follows:

  • Abscess of teeth
  • Infection and pus of the teeth that also cause swelling.
  • Broken teeth
  • Problems with feeding and chewing
  • Change of position in permanent teeth after tooth loss
  • Progression of infection in the gum tissue leading to gingival surgery
  • Deformed gums
  • Penetration of the infection into the middle ear
  • And other disorders caused by the penetration of infection into the body.

Therefore, in case of dental problems, especially the progression of infection, you should see a dentist urgently to prevent acute problems due to the spread of infection in the body.


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