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After the fall of milk teeth in children, many parents are concerned about the growth of permanent teeth and its timing. At the beginning of this article, we will discuss in general the time of eruption of permanent teeth in children and its stages, and we will answer many of your questions. Stay with us in the next article.
At what age do milk and permanent teeth grow in children? | Stages of tooth development in children
From about 6 months to 6 years old, the child has its milk teeth, and at about 30 months, the milk teeth are complete.
When the first permanent tooth appears around the age of 6, the child still has his milk teeth. The permanent teeth under the milk teeth begin to grow, in the meantime, the root of the milk teeth weakens and the teeth become loose. But in general, due to the presence of both milk teeth and permanent teeth in this period, it is called a mixed period.
The anterior teeth of the lower jaw and the molars are among the first teeth that begin to grow, their growth occurs approximately between 6 and 8 years of age. Then, at the age of 11 to 12, small molars and fangs start to grow. Of course, these numbers are approximate, in one or two years there is a possibility of teeth coming out sooner or later.
5 golden Tips about When and How to grow permanent teeth in Children
The growth of permanent teeth happens faster in girls than in boys.
First, the lower teeth and then the upper teeth grow.
Permanent teeth are bigger than baby teeth in terms of size.
Baby teeth are whiter than permanent teeth.
Teeth grow symmetrically on the left and right sides.
General factors affecting the delay in the eruption of permanent teeth
Parents’ Misconceptions about baby teeth
When parents take their child to the dentist in Hamilton at a young age, before the baby’s teeth fall out, and the pediatrician after examining the child determines that a series of pediatric dental treatments such as denervation and crowning of baby teeth, treatment of baby tooth decay,extraction or root canal treatment for the child, many parents think that the child’s milk teeth are going to fall out and what is the need to treat it, but I must say that this thinking is completely wrong and if A child’s milk tooth needs treatment and if it is not treated, it will leave many side effects.
The golden age of orthodontics
Considering the above information and the time of teething and the fact that all teeth are present at the age of 11-12, this age is the most suitable time for orthodontics and correction of dental abnormalities.