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The thickness of the dental laminate

Dental laminates are thin shells. Laminates are made according to the shape and characteristics of each person’s teeth. In making these thin shells, materials with natural colors close to the color of the teeth are used. Laminates are attached to the front part of the teeth. The thickness of the thin laminate changes things like the color, appearance, size, and length of the teeth. Thin laminates can be made for a more attractive smile.

How thick is the dental laminate?

As mentioned above, laminate is a thin shell. This shell is added to the front surface of the tooth. In this way, the shape and color of the teeth are corrected. Usually, the thickness of the laminate is about half a millimeter. Laminates with thin thickness are uncut laminates. The thickness of the laminates is from two-tenths to half a millimeter. This thickness is similar to the thickness of eye lenses.

What does the thickness of dental laminate depend on?

The thickness of the dental laminate is determined according to a series of special issues. Issues such as the type and system of dental laminate, the amount of damage and crooked teeth, the number of teeth grinding, and other specialized issues.

Advantages of very thin laminate

  • Due to the thinness of the laminate, there is no need to shave the teeth
  • This method is not invasive and does not damage the teeth.
  • Because there is no need for cutting, there is no need to inject anesthesia.
  • Since the tooth remains intact, this treatment is reversible.

There is no need for a temporary laminate to cover the tooth before attaching the main laminate.

Disadvantages of very thin laminate

  • Due to its thinness, it only covers minor defects.
  • This method cannot be used if the tooth problem, such as ugliness, space between the teeth, or anything else, is more than average.
  • It does not have enough coverage to hide tooth defects.

Factors affecting the price of dental laminate

  The point that is important for everyone is the cost of treatment. Various factors will affect the costs, including:

  • The amount of need to shave the teeth and as a result the thickness of the laminate that is used.
  • The amount of need for aligning the teeth.
  • The type of method used for shaving.
  • Materials used for molding teeth.
  • The time it takes to prepare the veneer and the accuracy in doing so.
  • New dental tariffs.
  • Support of dental laminate insurance companies.
  • The skill, expertise, and precision of the dentist in Toronto.
  • Equipment and materials used from the beginning of molding to the end of work.
  • The number of teeth that need to be laminated.
  • Necessary treatments before dental lamination, such as tooth restoration.
  • The amount of clutter and problems in the teeth.

Differences between thin tooth laminate and regular ceramic laminate

Types of laminates differ from each other in many ways. The most important difference between laminates is the size of the dental laminate. The size of ordinary ceramic laminates is half a millimeter. On the other hand, the size of thin laminates is equal to two-tenths to three-tenths of millimeters.

  • Thin laminates do not need to be sharpened.
  • Thin laminates only solve a certain amount of dental problems.


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