Let the smile make your face more beautiful. “Smile and the world will smile at you.” We have all heard these famous sayings many times. Many things can bring a smile to our faces: a good memory, a newborn baby, or a sunny day. Smiles usually appear naturally on our lips. But what if you are not satisfied with your smile, because you think that your smile is not attractive?
Two designed methods can transform your smile into a very beautiful smile: dental bonding and composite veneers
What is the difference between bonding and composite veneer?
Bonding and composite dental veneers can both cover broken or cracked teeth so well that no one (except us and you) will notice that they are not natural. However, although these two methods are designed to solve similar problems, due to the differences between bonding and composite veneers, depending on your situation, only one of these methods may be used.
The difference between bonding and the composite veneer is that bonding is easier than composite veneer. And it does not lead to tooth change. During bonding, the dental resin is placed directly on the damaged or discolored tooth. Depending on the extent of the tooth fracture, it can fill gaps between broken teeth, hide roots that appear as the gums recede, or repair a broken tooth. We place the resin (matching the natural color of your teeth) directly on the surface of the defective tooth and harden it using special dental light. After it hardens, we gently shape it to match your other teeth.
Composite veneer or coating
Comparing bonding and veneer composite, it can be said that veneer is a thin ceramic material that is used to cover the broken, deformed, or discolored part of the tooth. Like the resin in bonding, the porcelain used in the composite veneer has a color that matches the color of your natural teeth. Unlike bonding, composite veneer involves procedures in the dental laboratory for its preparation and usually two or more dental visits.
On the first visit, we change the shape of your tooth and make a mold of it for the dental laboratory. Next, we place the composite veneer on your tooth with harmless dental cement. We may remove and adjust the composite veneer several times to match it perfectly with other teeth. Although composite veneers take more work than bonding, they can last up to 15 years.
5 important factors that you should consider before choosing bonding and composite veneer methods
None of the composite veneer bonding methods are suitable for every damaged tooth. And even for those who volunteer, bonding and composite veneer methods are not equally suitable. Let’s examine 5 factors that you should consider in your choice:
The appearance that bonding and composite veneer methods create for teeth
Since the purpose of bonding and composite veneers is to create a more beautiful smile, the apparent result is very important. Both methods produce “new” teeth that look like any other teeth, and function like any other. Over time, bonding is prone to staining and may require restoration. Porcelain is almost stain resistant, so if your teeth are significantly stained or discolored, composite veneers are better suited to them than bonding. In case of cracks or breaks, the bonding can be redone if needed. If the composite veneer is cracked, the only solution is a dental prosthesis.
The durability of bonding and composite veneer methods
Whichever method you choose, you want it to last a long time, and the materials used have a great impact on the durability of both bonding and composite veneer methods. The material used in bonding is a dental resin that is placed on the tooth. Because of this, you only need one visit and if the bonding gets chipped or discolored, it can be easily repaired. Composite veneers are made of porcelain, this material is special for teeth. Composite veneers cannot be repaired.
How long do tooth bonding and veneering take?
If we consider the duration of using bonding and composite veneer methods, bonding takes less time because it can usually be done in one dental visit. Composite veneers usually require two visits and sometimes even three. To treat a tooth that hurts a lot or to have a beautiful smile in a special situation, the one-step method can be the best solution.
The cost of using bonding and composite veneer methods
It is not surprising that the prices of bonding and composite veneer methods are different. Bonding is cheaper than composite veneer. In addition to the dentist, composite veneer also requires the skills and equipment of the dental laboratory. However, in the composite veneer method, the amount of work done on the tooth is more, so the price difference is reasonable. To restore one or two teeth, using the bonding method may be the method you want. But the more the number of teeth that need to be repaired, the lower the price difference. Make sure you consider the prices based on your specific situation, as in some cases it may be a bit more expensive to use the composite veneer method.
Caring for teeth after using bonding and composite veneer methods
When it comes to daily care, both bonding methods and composite veneers are equal. A proper dental hygiene routine, as well as regular checkups and cleanings, is very important. Both composite veneered and bonded teeth require daily flossing and brushing, just like your natural teeth.
And like natural teeth, to prevent them from breaking, cracking, or staining, it is better to avoid eating hard foods such as crunchy snacks, candies, and nuts, as well as dark drinks such as dark juices, colas, and red wine, chewing ice and Avoid using tobacco.
Think enough to choose bonding and composite veneer methods. Therefore, to decide, consult a dentist to determine which method is best for you. You can contact us. Our dentists in Canada are always available to help you make a satisfying choice.