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The dangers of not scaling teeth

Most of us do not know or pay attention to the importance of dental scaling. Dental scaling is a procedure in which the dentist removes the plaques and deposits that have formed on the teeth and gums using special tools and cleans the teeth. This action gives more shine and whiteness to the teeth and prevents the occurrence of dental and oral diseases. In this article, we point out some of the dangers of not scaling the teeth and explain how to perform this procedure.

The dangers of not scaling teeth

Lack of dental scaling can lead to serious problems for teeth and gums. Some of these problems are:

  • Tooth decay: One of the dangers of not scaling teeth is tooth decay. Plaques and deposits that remain on the teeth contain bacteria that break down sugar and starch and produce acid. This acid can dissolve tooth enamel and create holes in it. These holes can cause pain, sensitivity, and tooth breakage, and in case of infection, may require root canal surgery or tooth extraction.
  • Gum disease: Gum disease is another risk of not scaling the teeth. Plaques and deposits that collect under the gums can cause inflammation and bleeding gums. This condition is known as gingivitis, and if left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis. Periodontitis is a severe disease that destroys the supporting tissues of the tooth and may lead to coagulation and tooth loss.
  • Bad breath: Plaques and deposits that remain on the teeth and gums are the place for the growth and proliferation of bad-smelling bacteria. These bacteria produce waste products that cause bad breath. Bad breath can affect social relationships and a person’s self-confidence and can be a sign of other diseases such as gastrointestinal or respiratory infections.

How to scale teeth

Scaling is a simple and quick procedure that is usually done in one session. Using electrical or manual tools, the dentist removes plaques and deposits from the teeth and gums and smooths and polishes the surface of the teeth. Then he washes the teeth with fluoride to strengthen the tooth enamel. Dental scaling usually does not cause any pain or discomfort, but in some cases, there may be temporary sensitivity or bleeding. The dentist usually prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics to prevent infection and inflammation.

Benefits of dental scaling

Dental scaling has many benefits for the health and beauty of teeth and gums. Some of these benefits include:

  • Increasing the brightness and whiteness of teeth: Scaling removes stains and unwanted colors on the teeth and gives them a more natural and bright color. This can enhance the beauty of your smile and give you a pleasant feeling.
  • Reducing the risk of dental and oral diseases: scaling teeth reduces the number and activity of oral bacteria.
  • Increase in cardiovascular health: Weight loss can prevent chronic inflammation in the body that may cause cardiovascular diseases. Some research has shown that people who clean their teeth regularly have a lower risk of heart attack or stroke.
  • Increase reproductive health and pregnancy: Dental scaling can be useful for women who intend to be fertile or pregnant. Some studies have shown that gum disease can reduce the chance of fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth weight. Dental scaling can prevent these problems and increase the health of the mother and fetus.
  • Increasing self-confidence and self-satisfaction: teeth scaling can have a positive effect on a person’s psyche and behavior. People who have clean and white teeth usually have more self-confidence and are more successful in social and professional communication. Dental scaling can help you have a more beautiful smile and enjoy your life.

When and how to scale our teeth?

Dentists in Hamilton recommend scaling your teeth at least twice a year. But depending on the condition of your teeth and gums, you may need more or less scaling. It is better to consult your doctor to determine the right time to take a pill. Also, to maintain the health of teeth and gums, you should do the following:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day: Brushing your teeth in the morning and at night with the right toothbrush and toothpaste can prevent the formation of plaque and deposits on the teeth and keep the teeth clean and fragrant. When brushing, you should pay attention to all the surfaces of the teeth and gums and spend at least two minutes.
  • Flossing once a day: Flossing can remove plaque and food from places where a toothbrush cannot reach, such as the space between the teeth, and prevent inflammation and gum disease. Flossing can be done before or after brushing, but it is important to do it correctly and gently so as not to damage the teeth and gums.
  • Use of mouthwash: Mouthwash can reduce bacteria in the mouth and prevent bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease. You can use mouthwash after brushing and flossing your teeth, but you must be careful that the mouthwash is suitable and of good quality and avoid using too much of it.
  • Visiting the dentist: You should visit the dentist regularly to check the condition of the teeth and gums and perform scaling and necessary treatments. The doctor can advise you on how to take care of your teeth and gums and prevent problems.


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