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The best orthodontic method

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In dental sciences, orthodontics is known as one of the vital branches that is dedicated to improving the arrangement and development of teeth and jaws. This science is constantly striving to help people achieve healthy, well-aligned teeth and a flawless edge. A healthy and beautiful dental device not only helps to improve people’s appearance but also improves the performance and resilience of the oral device.

With the increasing importance of improving teeth and jaws, choosing the best orthodontic method has become a critical issue. The best orthodontist in Kingston uses various methods to improve the arrangement of teeth, each of these methods has its characteristics advantages, and disadvantages.

In this article, we compare and examine more precisely and comprehensively different orthodontic methods. These methods include fixed orthodontics, mobile orthodontics, invisible orthodontics, lingual orthodontics, children’s orthodontics, and Damon orthodontics. Each of these methods has its uses advantages and disadvantages that should be carefully considered. This review helps people choose a method that matches their dental characteristics and needs.

Types of orthodontic methods

Fixed orthodontics

Fixed orthodontics is one of the most important and common orthodontic methods used for various orthodontic cases. This method uses brackets and metal wires that are placed on the teeth. These brackets are attached to the surface of the teeth by adhesion and metal wires are attached to them using tracks and ligatures.

Cases for which fixed orthodontics are more suitable include:

  • Complex cases: Fixed orthodontics is suitable for cases that require precise and complex changes in the arrangement of teeth and jaws. For example, aligning teeth that are seriously misaligned or cases that require the jaws to be opened to more precisely align the teeth.
  • Corrective cases: If the teeth and jaws have problems in terms of resilience and function, fixed orthodontics will bring a significant improvement in this field. For example, correction of large projection, correction of dental interference, and improvement of jaw joint function.
  • Adults: Fixed orthodontics requires the cooperation and commitment of adults. People who can take care of and regularly adjust orthodontic devices can benefit from this method.
  • Bit correction: If you have a bit (incorrect tonality between the teeth), fixed orthodontics can help correct it.
  • In general, fixed orthodontics are more suitable for cases that require more precise and continuous adjustments, as well as people who can work with a fixed orthodontist on an ongoing basis.

Removable orthodontics

Removable orthodontics is one of the child-focused and elementary orthodontic procedures that use removable devices called spacers or Invatins to adjust the teeth and jaws. These devices are made of rare materials such as plastic and are usually placed inside the mouth. Removable orthodontics is used as an initial solution for primary orthodontic cases or children.

The cases for which mobile orthodontics is more suitable are:

  • Children and teenagers: This orthodontic method is especially suitable for children and teenagers because the teeth and jaws are growing and developing during this period. Removable orthodontics results in less friction between the teeth and the orthodontic appliance and takes advantage of childhood adjustments.
  • Basic cases: This method is suitable for cases where the order of the teeth and jaws needs to be adjusted in a relatively simpler way. For example, an arrangement of teeth that are moderately misaligned and require adjustment.
  • Requirement for variable adjustments: Removable orthodontics allows for the readjustment of appliances, so this method is suitable in cases where adjustments are needed to match treatment changes.
  • People who don’t need constant and frequent care: Removable orthodontics allows people to adjust their appliances without frequent visits to the dentist. This possibility is useful for people who cannot go to frequent visits for any reason.

Due to the positive features of mobile orthodontics, this method provides an initial option and in certain cases improves the arrangement of teeth and jaws. However, determining the need for removable orthodontics and choosing the best orthodontic method depends on the diagnosis of the removable orthodontic specialist.

Invisible orthodontics

Invisible orthodontics is known as one of the most important innovations in the field of orthodontics. In this method, transparent and invisible splints or theremins are used to adjust the teeth and jaws. These splints are carefully designed and custom-made based on each person’s teeth and jaws.

The advantages of invisible orthodontics are:

  • Invisible appearance: One of the great advantages of invisible orthodontics is that it is almost invisible. Splines or theremins are transparent and invisible, so people can forget about the embarrassment of metal brackets.
  • Convenience: This method is very favorable in terms of convenience. Splines or theremins are very soft and comfortable and usually do not require frequent adjustments.
  • Protection of teeth: This method protects teeth and dental edges. Because the splines or theremins prevent blows and direct contact.
  • Effective performance: Invisible orthodontics is very effective for precise adjustment of teeth and jaws and brings good healing results.
  • In general, invisible orthodontics is suitable for people who feel uncomfortable with the appearance of metal brackets and want to adjust their teeth invisibly. This method is especially appealing to adults who may not find conventional braces appropriate. However, a diagnosis and recommendation from the best invisible orthodontist is still necessary to determine the best orthodontic method for each individual.

Lingual orthodontics

Lingual orthodontics is an advanced method in orthodontic science in which brackets and wires are attached to the teeth from inside the mouth so that they are not visible from the external appearance of the teeth. This method adjusts teeth and jaws using transparent and invisible brackets. Lingual orthodontics is recognized as an attractive option for people who are uncomfortable with the appearance of conventional braces, as well as for professionals who need a neat and well-proportioned appearance.

The advantages of lingual orthodontics are:

  • Invisible appearance: One of the most important advantages of this orthodontic method is its invisibility. Lingual brackets are located inside the mouth and remain hidden from the external appearance of the teeth.
  • High effectiveness: This method brings an effective improvement in the adjustment of teeth and jaws and helps to accurately align the teeth.
  • Inconsistency in people’s appearance: Lingual brackets prevent damage to the outer surface of the teeth. This is important for people who are sensitive to the appearance of their teeth.
  • Suitable for people with special jobs: This method is especially suitable for professional people such as actors, models, or people who need to look neat.

However, lingual orthodontics also has its challenges. This method requires high expertise from the dentist and may be more complicated than other orthodontic methods in some cases. Also, more interaction with the lingual orthodontist is necessary for adjustments and periodic adjustments.

Children’s orthodontics

Children’s orthodontics is one of the most important fields of orthodontics, which is dedicated to the adjustment of children’s teeth and jaws. This scientific and medical method helps in the correct order of children’s teeth and jaws during their growth and development. Children’s orthodontics are usually performed in childhood to prevent future dental alignment problems and help improve the function of children’s dental apparatus.

The benefits of children’s orthodontics include:

  • Prevention of future problems: This procedure starts when teeth and jaws are still developing. By adjusting the teeth in this period, sequential and technical problems are avoided in the future.
  • Positive effect on the performance of the oral apparatus: Children’s orthodontics can significantly improve the performance of the oral apparatus of children. This performance improvement can improve problems such as eating or pronunciation problems.
  • Creating beauty and self-confidence: The arrangement of teeth and jaws helps children’s appearance. Having correct braces and a beautiful smile can boost their self-confidence.
  • Better and more effective: Due to less resistance in the teeth and jaws during childhood, adjusting the teeth during this period is usually faster and less painful.

Damon Orthodontics

Damon orthodontics is an innovative method in orthodontic science that uses special brackets called “Damon brackets”. This method uses the natural forces of the body to adjust the teeth and jaws and minimizes the need for frequent adjustments and visits to the dentist.

The advantages of Damon orthodontics are:

  • Minimal need for readjustment: One of the most important advantages of this orthodontic method is reducing the need for frequent readjustments. Damon brackets gradually adjust the teeth by using the natural forces of the body, thus reducing the need for frequent visits to the dentist.
  • Shorter treatment time: Due to reduced adjustments and frequent visits, Damon orthodontics may be performed for a shorter period than traditional orthodontic methods.
  • Better results: This method leads to a more precise adjustment of the teeth and jaws and can bring better results.
  • Greater comfort: Damon braces are usually less uncomfortable and more comfortable for patients because they require less frequent adjustments and adjustments.

However, Damon orthodontics requires a high degree of expertise from a good orthodontist and may cost more than traditional methods. Also, determining the need for Damon orthodontics and determining the suitability of this method for each person is the responsibility of the best Damon orthodontics specialist.


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