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Teeth discoloration and vitamin deficiency: what is their relationship?

We have rarely imagined the existence of a connection between teeth discoloration and vitamin deficiency. Many people worry about the discoloration of their teeth, and this is one of the biggest fears of many others. Our daily routines, oral hygiene, what we eat or drink, smoking, etc. can all take a toll on our teeth. Although we usually have the idea that external colored substances are the cause of tooth discoloration, sometimes the source of the problem goes back to us.

Avoiding certain foods is not enough to follow the necessary diet to have healthy teeth. One of the most important requirements for having healthy teeth is a balanced diet. Your teeth are made up of many layers. Vitamins and minerals play an important role in creating these layers. If you are deficient in these factors, your dental health can be seriously affected. However, it is still important to know what we need and why we need them. So let’s take a look at the connection between vitamin deficiency and tooth discoloration and the solutions to this problem.

Teeth discoloration and vitamin deficiency: which deficiencies cause teeth discoloration?

Undoubtedly, there is a connection between tooth discoloration and vitamin A deficiency. Many vitamins can directly or indirectly affect the condition of the teeth. These are all the essential vitamins you need to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile. Of course, these vitamins are important not only for your smile but for your whole body. Vitamins, like minerals, are important in the formation and growth of your bones. For example, calcium (the basic building block of thyme and tooth enamel) is consumed by our body along with vitamin D. Getting enough vitamin D and calcium strengthens your teeth and jaw bones. This agent helps your teeth stay more firmly in place. Here is a list of these essential vitamins:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D

So now let’s take a look at them one by one:

Vitamin A deficiency

This fat-soluble vitamin is stored in the liver. Vitamin A is one of the most essential elements for your gums. Healthy gums not only protect your teeth but also prevent bacteria that can spread and damage your teeth. Also, vitamin A is one of the most essential nutrients for tooth enamel (the white outer layer of your teeth). Vitamin A is very important for your immune system. A weak immune system can make your oral health vulnerable. A weak immune system can increase the possibility of tooth decay; it can also cause problems such as gum disease. These factors can create an unpleasant appearance.

However, the effects of a weak immune system on teeth do not end there. Vitamin A deficiency also affects the proper functioning of your salivary glands. Saliva is a secretion that helps digest food. Also, saliva is one of the natural defense mechanisms of the mouth; it keeps your mouth moist and removes plaque and bacteria.

Without these, bacteria can reproduce repeatedly and the process of plaque formation accelerates; at the same time, the food particles will not dissolve and will remain on your teeth for a long time. All these cause the loss of color and tooth decay.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin. This vitamin is effective in the functioning of the brain and central nervous system and the production of red blood cells. Just like vitamin A, vitamin B12 is also one of the essential nutrients for gums and teeth; therefore, getting vitamin B12 is essential for the health of your teeth. B12 is also important for the digestion of sugars. By getting enough vitamin B12, sugars will be better digested and the chances of them staining your teeth will decrease.

B12 deficiency can cause gum disease (also known as periodontitis); Because B12 is very important as a nutrient for the gums. Also, as mentioned earlier, this vitamin helps the process of digesting sugars. Sugar is the main nutrient consumed by our oral bacteria. Therefore, undigested oral sugar can be harmful to both gums and teeth. This type of sugar can easily change the color of teeth by feeding harmful bacteria. If gum disease progresses, receding gums may occur. Receding gums will also expose the roots of your teeth. Unprotected tooth roots can easily be attacked by bacteria and create an unpleasant appearance.

Vitamin C deficiency

When it comes to the immune system, vitamin C is the first thing that comes to mind. This vitamin is also necessary for the formation of specific tissues in blood vessels, muscles, and bones. At the same time, vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy and hurts the body’s defense mechanism. Vitamin C is also an important vitamin for gums and teeth and is also important for the body’s defense mechanism.

In this way, your mouth will be able to fight bacteria better. This means whiter and healthier teeth. Lack of vitamin C leaves your teeth in the hands of bacteria and plaque. Because your saliva not only helps to digest food but also has a protective effect against bacteria. Your defense cells that fight bacteria are preserved in the capillaries of your gums. If these cells are weak, bacteria will be more easily able to inhabit your mouth, and this means goodbye to white and healthy teeth. Although some claim that vitamin C directly affects teeth whitening, this is debatable.

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is most directly related to tooth discoloration. Vitamin D plays an important role in building your teeth with the help of minerals. Calcium is the building block of tooth enamel as well as bones. By getting enough vitamin D and calcium and keeping tooth enamel strong, you will be able to maintain a bright and white smile. Vitamin D is a vitamin that is obtained with the help of sunlight.

This vitamin is very important for your bones and teeth because it allows calcium to be absorbed. Calcium is the building block of your bones; also, the enamel layer, which is the outer part of your teeth, is made of calcium. This layer is the layer that gives your teeth a white color. Weakness or wear of tooth enamel makes the underlying dentine layer visible.

This layer has a darker color. In other words, wear and tear on your tooth enamel is one of the biggest causes of tooth discoloration. Also, some studies have shown that the risk of tooth decay is reduced in this way.

How to treat vitamin D deficiency?

Nowadays, it is almost easy to eradicate vitamin D deficiency with natural methods. The food groups required for this purpose are available in many parts of the world. In other words, following a healthy diet by knowing what food contains what, will meet your vitamin needs. For this purpose, you can do research or consult a nutritionist.

So let’s take a look at where we can get these vitamins:

  • Vitamin A foods

You can get vitamin A supplements from foods such as tomatoes, carrots, green and red peppers, spinach, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, fish oil, liver, milk, cheese, and eggs.

  • Foods with vitamin B12

B12 sources are abundantly found in animals. Here we mention some of them: liver, red meat, fish (especially mackerel), dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, kefir, and other foods of animal origin such as egg yolks, oysters, and offal.

  • Vitamin C foods

The condition of receiving vitamin C is to be fed from the soil. Many fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C. Here are some of them: oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, strawberries, red and green peppers, tomatoes, arugula, parsley, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, and fresh roses. These are rich in vitamin C.

  • Vitamin D foods

When it comes to vitamin D, things get a little more complicated because we don’t get enough vitamin D from food. You also need sunlight to activate the vitamin D that enters your body. Foods from which you can get vitamin D in provitamin form:

Breakfast cereals, mushrooms, milk, eggs, fish (especially tuna), cheese, yogurt, and kefir. However, as mentioned, you should not forget to sunbathe after receiving these nutrients.

How can I meet my vitamin needs if I have a poor diet?

Sometimes, no matter how careful we are, our diet fails to address these deficiencies. This may indicate other problems in our bodies. Sometimes we may not be able to follow the diet we need. The best example of this situation can be found in pirate movies.

You can imagine them as people with bad teeth and ugly colors. The main reason is not the lack of toothbrushes.

These people, who have been fed only by the sea for months or years, cannot get the nutrients they need from the soil. This is why their teeth become yellow, damaged, and even decayed. But there is no need to worry; today, even sailors have access to essential food groups, and thanks to modern technology, it is possible to receive these vitamins as supplements. There are many pills and similar products for this purpose. For example, if you are a vegetarian and suffer from a B12 deficiency, you can easily find herbal B12 supplements for this purpose. In these cases, it is important to consult your doctor and do good research to choose the right supplements.

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