Tooth decay in children is one of the most common problems that many families face from a certain age. In this article, we will examine the symptoms of tooth decay in children, its causes, and treatment.
According to the studies conducted, one of the main reasons that parents of children may visit a pediatric dentist is their children’s tooth decay. The treatment of these caries is very important. Because it may stop the child’s growth, but before dealing with its treatment, we will provide explanations about caries and its symptoms in general.
How does a tooth decay?
Damage to the outer surface of the tooth is called tooth decay. Over time and with the lack of necessary care for the child’s teeth, bacteria form a sticky layer called plaque on the outer surface of the tooth. Now, if the teeth are not taken care of over time, these microbes will feed on sugary substances, and over time it will affect the bottom layer of the tooth as well, and cavities may appear on the tooth, which will eventually cause cavities. Infection and loss of the entire tooth. We suggest you read the article on the treatment of tooth infections in children.
What are the symptoms of tooth decay in children?
One of the most important signs of tooth decay is the discoloration of children’s teeth. This color change can be seen in chalky, brown, and black colors.
But as we mentioned, this caries can show itself at any age, and at any age, the child may show different behavior. For example, the tooth decay of an 18-month-old child is such that the child first becomes restless and tries not to eat, or cries while chewing food, or in some cases, tooth decay in a 2-year-old child causes pus or swelling of the gums, dental infections., bad breath or gum color change.
What is the cause of tooth decay in children?
- Not visiting a pediatric dentist in Toronto regularly for checkups
- Genetic reasons
- Having improper mother’s nutrition during pregnancy
- People whose saliva is less than others
- High consumption of sweets and carbohydrates
- Failure to observe oral hygiene
- Not using dental floss
- Contaminated saliva enters the child’s mouth
What is the best solution to prevent tooth decay in children?
According to the pediatrician’s advice, the best solution to prevent this from happening is to visit the dentist for the necessary examinations as soon as the child’s first milk tooth erupts, which happens around six months of age. Learn how to prevent tooth decay in children.
Tooth decay is a very important issue that should be taken seriously. If your child has this problem, be sure to see a pediatrician.