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Symptoms of tooth decay and bone loss in the jaw

Losing bone in your jaw may be scary, but you need to know that this is a problem that many people are dealing with. In some cases, you may live with it for years without symptoms. To replace the missing tooth, it is recommended to take the help of a treatment called dental implant and use this method as soon as possible. It may be interesting for you to know that teeth are one of the strongest organs in the body, so if this powerful tissue gets damaged, you will face many problems. Also, these problems spoil your appearance. You need to know that it is not difficult to recognize the symptoms and diagnosis of bone loss in the teeth and you can easily understand this issue.

Some symptoms of tooth fracture occur in the early stages. However, it is necessary to know that it is much easier to correctly recognize bone loss in teeth in the final stages. By identifying these symptoms, you can quickly treat them. As a result, knowing these symptoms is very effective in the healing process. Stay with us to provide you with more information.

The beginning of decay in the tooth bone in the jaw

It is important to know that tooth-bone loss occurs for a variety of reasons. It can be said that the main cause of this problem is periodontal. This problem is usually associated with the loss of teeth. However, it is necessary to know that external traumas, internal diseases, and even tumors in the body can cause the loss of teeth. The bones in our jaw are connected to other tissues in our mouth. As a result, the tissues in the mouth have a direct relationship with the bones of the teeth. In some cases, you can notice the loss of dental bones due to the changes that occur in the tooth tissues. In the following, we will mention some things by which you can notice the loss of tooth bone.

1- Presence of loose or mobile teeth

As we mentioned above, gums and bones are supporting tissues of teeth. The teeth are preserved in these tissues or other words, it can be said that the teeth are kept in place by these tissues. Keeping the tissues in the mouth healthy is very effective in keeping the teeth healthy. Note that if your teeth are loose or decayed for some reason, it means that there is a problem in the supporting tissues. You should act as soon as possible regarding the cause of this problem. Of course, it may be caused by weak or worn-out bone tissue.

2- Presence of gum bleeding

Bleeding gums are never a good sign. This bleeding is a sign of gum disease. Bleeding gums are also known as periodontitis or the silent killer.

Gum disease is one of the most common causes of bone loss. This problem may not cause your death, but it can destroy your gums and teeth.

You may be wondering how this problem occurs.

In this problem, bacteria accumulate on the surface of your teeth. This accumulation of bacteria causes the formation of dental plaque and tartar disease. Tartar disease causes the disease to spread around the gums and this causes the loss of teeth.

It is necessary to note that the acids secreted by bacteria cause the erosion of the gum tissue over time. As a result, with the onset of the disease, you will notice the loss of your bone tissues. As we mentioned above, any change in the oral tissue is important and you should pay attention to it because any small change in the tooth area can cause the loss of gum bones. One of the ways to take care of the bones of the teeth is to keep the mouth and teeth area clean.

3- Terrible pain of tooth bone loss

Feeling this pain in the mouth and teeth may be normal for you at first. If this pain continues, it can be a sign of serious problems. This case is one of the signs of weakening of the bone structure. It is necessary to know that the decrease in bone strength will also affect your nerves and psyche. Weakening or loss of teeth bone can cause loss of teeth alignment. Also, this case can cause pain in daily movements.

4-Increasing sensitivity

You need to know that sensitivity is also a condition that may be related to bone loss. Both teeth and bones are very strong structures made of minerals and vitamins. If the density of minerals in teeth and bones decreases, they will become weaker and more vulnerable. The same thing can cause sensitivity and loss of dental bones.

Note that if you have advanced periodontitis, the gums will begin to recede. When this problem occurs, the bones of your teeth will be exposed.

If the roots of the teeth are exposed, they increase sensitivity. On the other hand, the bones supporting the teeth are eroded.

5- Bad breath

As we mentioned above, in periodontal disease, gum tissue, and bones begin to recede. In this situation, the roots of the teeth are exposed and this will cause deep decay near the gums. This type of decay is called periodontal.

Bacteria are created on the tooth surface due to caries. These bacteria easily cause tartar disease and due to the presence of these bacteria plaques are formed on the teeth. The presence of these plaques on the teeth causes bad breath. Imagine that the bacteria in your mouth feed on the leftover food in your mouth and this will cause them to multiply.

6- Creating new gaps between the teeth

You may see black triangles between your teeth. You may think this is normal. If you see black triangles that were not there before, this is a warning for your mouth and teeth. These triangles on your teeth may mean receding gums. This means that the gums recede with the loss of bones.

  These two things will accelerate each other. Receding gums may have another cause; As the gums recede, the roots of the teeth are exposed. Naturally, in this disease, the upper parts of your teeth will be in contact with each other. If the lower part of the teeth are far from each other. As a result, new cracks appear on the root. If you see black triangles on the root areas of your teeth, be sure to take it seriously and follow up on this matter.

Advanced bone loss

Advanced bone loss is also visible through the appearance. When it comes to bone loss, your entire facial structure may change. As a result, it is better to intervene and solve the problem before taking any action, but there is no need to worry because even in the worst case, you can solve the problem with a bone graft, implant, or prosthesis. When the bone tissue becomes extremely thin, there will be no basis for placing a bone graft or implant. It is necessary to repeat that bone loss is a very serious problem. When you notice this disease in the early stages, it is necessary to see a dentist to solve this problem.

7- Improper prostheses

Experienced dentists in Hamilton take a mold of the teeth, which means that the dentures are made based on the mold that was taken. That is, completely standard and the size of the teeth.

These prostheses are made of materials that cannot be changed easily. As a result, if you are suffering from the prostheses in your mouth now, while this was not the case before, the structure of your mouth has changed, and this causes the mold to put pressure on different parts of your mouth, and that gum area. to provoke If you do not stop this problem as soon as possible, it may increase the irritation of the gums over time.

8-creating wrinkles in the tooth area

As we have already mentioned, bones are the strongest tissue in the body. They shape the body from the inside. Note that any changes in the structure of bones can easily cause changes in appearance. Note that bone loss can also reduce blood circulation in the body. In such cases, your skin receives fewer supplements to build and renew itself. This causes your skin to age and shrink. The lines that appear in the area around the mouth are due to such a problem.

9- Deterioration of the facial structure from the symptoms of tooth-bone loss

Like the whole face, our body is also formed by the soft tissues created by the bones in the underlying layer. If there is a problem in these bones, it may cause a change in your appearance. Note that it may take 10 to 20 years for bone loss to approach the collapse stage. This is an advanced process of bone loss, where your lips curve inward and your chin moves upward. With this, your face will look older than your normal appearance.

10- Lips sinking inwards

This stage is one of the most advanced stages of this disease. In this case, there is no more firm tissue in the area under the lips to shape them. In such cases, the lips begin to sink. It can be said with certainty that this case is one of the most obvious signs of bone loss and this case indicates a very serious disease in the body. The soft tissues of your face must be supported by the underlying hard tissues. In the same way, the lips lose their shape and form. Note that with the occurrence of this disease, such changes will be inevitable.

11-causing discomfort while chewing

The mouth is one of the most used organs in every person’s body. Every person is constantly chewing, eating, and talking throughout the day. It is easier to detect changes in this part of the body than other parts. If you feel signs of pain while chewing food, there are problems in your bone structure. If you have a weak bone structure, it will be very difficult for you to chew. In such cases, your teeth will face serious problems and the vulnerability of the teeth will increase.


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