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Symptoms of dental bridge loosening

You may live with a dental bridge for years without problems. Dental bridges work like natural teeth and last a long time with proper care. However, if you notice movement around the bridge while eating, drinking, or even talking, it is likely that the bridge is loose.

To know the signs of loosening of the dental bridge, stay with the dentist in Canada.

What is a dental bridge?

Dental bridges are custom made and replace missing teeth. These bridges can be used when the surrounding teeth are healthy. Basically, they are an artificial tooth that is attached to crowns on both sides. They are less invasive than dental implants, which involve screwing a titanium post into the jaw.

These bridges are strong, durable and real replacements for missing teeth. They can boost self-confidence and can also make eating easier. While these devices are very durable, they do loosen at times.

Signs of dental bridge loosening

How can you tell if a dental bridge is loose? There are several warning signs listed below. Call your dentist if you see these symptoms:

  • Move
  • the pain
  • allergy
  • Inappropriate bite
  • Gum erosion

First, if your dental bridge moves while you eat, or if it “wobbles” a little when you press on it with your finger, it’s probably out of place. This may be a sign that one of the surrounding teeth is loose.

Pain may mean that the bridge is rubbing against your gums or teeth. Over time, this friction can cause further inflammation, making the teeth and gums more susceptible to infection.

Sensitivity to cold or hot temperatures can indicate problems related to tooth decay or gum disease. Crowns are eventually moved from teeth that have been worn away by decay.

You will feel discomfort while chewing food or a hard bite. If you feel different when biting down, or your head and jaw start to hurt, the bridge of the tooth may have shifted, leading to a bad bite.

Finally, receding or eroding gums can cause the dental bridge to loosen. You may also experience sore or inflamed gums or even notice that your teeth are starting to shift.

Regardless of the symptom you notice, if you have a problem with your dental bridge, call your dentist. Avoiding this issue can cause more pain and discomfort, as well as complicate the dental process in the future.

The treatment of a loose dental bridge may involve the placement of a new bridge or its re-installation. If the teeth on both sides are damaged or decayed, a filling or root canal treatment may be needed. If, based on the dentist’s decision, dental bridges are no longer suitable for you, implants replace the missing teeth.


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