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Swelling of the gums behind the teeth

Gingivitis behind the teeth is one of the common problems that you may encounter. Various factors can cause this problem and if not diagnosed in time, it may lead to more serious problems. This article will examine the causes of gingivitis behind the teeth and ways to prevent it.


The reasons that cause this problem are:

  1. Gum infection: Bacterial infections in the gums can cause swelling and inflammation. These infections can be caused by poor oral hygiene or other factors.
  2. Gum disease: Periodontitis or gum disease is a condition that gradually destroys the underlying tissues of the gum and underlying bone. This disease can lead to swelling and other injuries.
  3. Improper use of toothbrush and dental floss: Improper use of toothbrush or dental floss can also cause damage to the gums and soft tissues of the mouth and cause swelling.
  4. Putting pressure on the teeth: too much pressure on the teeth using objects can also damage the gums and make them swell.
  5. Diabetes: Intolerant diabetes can increase the risk of gum infections and inflammation, which may lead to swelling.
  6. Improper nutritional factors: lack of vitamins and minerals can lead to a weak immune system and increase the risk of this problem.
  7. Smoker and tobacco consumption: Tobacco and tobacco consumption aggravate infections and such complications.
  8. Hormonal changes: in periods of life such as pregnancy and different ages, hormonal changes can lead to swelling in this part of the mouth.
  9. Genetic factors: Some people are more prone to gum infections and swelling due to genetic factors.

Ways to prevent gingivitis behind the tooth

Swelling of the gums may be a sign of infection or other diseases in the mouth. To prevent gingivitis behind the teeth, pay attention to the following:

  1. Regular care of the teeth: clean the teeth carefully and using a suitable and special toothbrush, at least twice a day and after each meal for two minutes.
  2. Flossing: Use dental floss daily to remove food residue from between the teeth.
  3. Use mouthwash: After eating, clean the mouth using mouthwash to remove food particles from the mouth.
  4. Eating healthy foods: Foods that contain vitamin C and antioxidants can help gum health. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, and foods containing iron and calcium are useful.
  5. Periodic examinations: Go to the dentist in Toronto regularly for periodic examinations and deep cleanings.
  6. Reduce risk factors: If you have risk factors such as diabetes, poor diet, or smoking, try to control or reduce these factors.
  7. Use mouthwash: Use antibacterial mouthwash to control bacteria and maintain oral hygiene.

By observing these things and going to the dentist periodically, you can prevent gingivitis behind the teeth and take care of your oral and gum health.

Professional dental treatment

Professional dental treatment for gingivitis behind the tooth depends on the cause and severity of the swelling. Below are some common methods of treating this condition:

  1. Your dentist may help remove gum and oral plaque using professional teeth whitening tools and periodic cleanings.
  2. If a bacterial infection is causing the swelling, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics to control the infection.
  3. In some cases, the gum is severely swollen and its tissues are damaged. The dentist may cover the gum using advanced technologies to speed up the healing process.
  4. If gingivitis is caused by gum disease, the dentist may treat periodontitis using different methods, including scaling and endodontics.
  5. The dentist may also prescribe topical drug treatments such as gels or anti-inflammatory drugs.

common questions

  1. Is gingivitis behind the tooth dangerous?

Gingivitis behind the teeth may indicate serious oral problems but can be managed with timely dental visits.

  1. Is it important to use a soft toothbrush?

Yes, using a soft and correct toothbrush helps prevent gum damage and swelling.

  1. Can bacterial infections cause gingivitis?

Yes, bacteria can cause gum infections that lead to swelling.

  1. What causes a lot of pressure on the gums?

Irregular or crowded teeth can put a lot of pressure on the gums.

  1. How many times a day should you floss?

It is recommended to use dental floss at least once a day to clean food between teeth and gums.


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