Your beloved baby laughs for you with his pearly teeth and makes your heart tremble. But sometimes, for various reasons, you see that these teeth, which should shine with whiteness, are black and rotten. It is not easy to see these conditions in the mouth of our little child. When we go to a pediatric dentist in Richmond Hill, we are diagnosed with a damaged baby tooth, this is where we are asked if we should pull the damaged baby tooth or repair it. We have prepared this content to answer your question.
In the early stages of development, milk teeth play a very important role in the development and correct growth of children’s mouths and jaws. But sometimes, problems may occur in their milk teeth that put us in a dilemma between treatment and extraction. In this article, we will examine the types of milk teeth problems, when they should be pulled, and when different treatments can be used.
Common failures in children’s milk teeth
Baby teeth decay can lead to serious complications in the child’s mouth. If the decay progresses to such an extent that it destroys the tooth structure and reaches its depth, we may need to extract it.
Due to the sensitivity and weakness of milk teeth, fractures in these teeth are common. If the fracture continues to the extent that the tooth cannot be repaired, it may be necessary to extract the baby tooth.
- Infections and inflammations
Infection and inflammation also cause serious problems in milk teeth. In some cases, the milk tooth may be so infected that it cannot be saved with various treatments.
In general, if you see any of these problems, it is necessary to consult a dentist to provide a correct diagnosis of the condition of milk teeth and to provide appropriate and timely treatment.
Good times for damaged milk teeth
The right time to extract a baby’s tooth depends on the condition of the tooth. Here we examine the two main positions for pulling these teeth:
When the tooth is so damaged that it cannot be repaired!
If the milk tooth is damaged to the extent that restoration cannot restore it to its original state, extraction may be necessary and our only option. This situation is especially raised when tooth decay is so bad that it harms the health of the child’s mouth and jaw. In these cases, the dentist, by carefully evaluating the condition of the tooth, decides to extract the baby tooth to prevent damage to the permanent teeth.
When teeth cause pain and discomfort!
If the baby tooth causes pain, swelling, or discomfort for the child and this condition continues for a long time, extraction may improve the condition. In these cases, stretching can help relieve discomfort and pain and make the baby feel better.
In any case, it is up to the dentist to determine the right time to extract the baby’s teeth.
Alternative treatments for the extraction of milk teeth
In cases where baby teeth are damaged, restoration can be considered as an alternative treatment to extraction.
Repairing with special dental materials can be a suitable option. These materials are usually composed of materials such as synthetic resins that harmonize with the teeth and naturally join the teeth, or they are made of amalgam. In addition to correcting the damage, the restoration of milk teeth also allows the child to have the normal ability to eat and talk.