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Radiology and dental photography

In dentistry in Canada, in order to make a better and more accurate diagnosis during dental clinical examinations, dental x-rays are taken to determine the health status of the teeth, the location of the tooth roots, the diagnosis of gum tissue, etc. In radiology and dental imaging, X-rays are used with a lower intensity and quantity to image the teeth. In the radiographic image, all dental problems such as tooth decay, cavities and damaged tooth roots are identified.

Types of dental radiographs

Periapical X-ray: In this type of radiograph, the overall structure of the tooth from the crown to the root and the surrounding bone is clearly defined. Through this type of radiography, gum problems under the teeth, impacted teeth, jaw and mouth cysts, dental abscesses, tumors, and bone changes can be checked.

Occlusal X-ray: In this type of imaging, problems of the roof of the mouth and the floor of the mouth can be checked. In this type of occlusal radiograph, teeth that have not erupted from the gums, as well as cleft tissue in the roof of the mouth and jaw, oral cysts and extra teeth can be recognized.

Panoramic X-ray: This type of OPG radiograph shows all the parts and the general view of the jaw, teeth, sinuses, temporomandibular joints and the nose area. In this type of imaging, the doctor can detect all the parts of the hidden teeth, abnormalities in the jaws, bones, and the presence of tumors, cysts in the jaw, infections, and cracks in the teeth.

Digital X-ray: This type of digital imaging can be stored or sent to a computer. During the time of the person’s first visit, a complete series of periapical images is prepared, which is about 14 to 21 films. This type of radiographic image is used to check decayed teeth.

Why is the radiographic image necessary in dentistry?

  • Radiology and dental photography are necessary to detect and find teeth that are not in place and did not grow in the gums. The exact location of the hidden teeth as well as crowded teeth that have grown irregularly is also clear in the radiographic images.
  • All the problems related to oral and jaw cysts, tumors and abscesses can be seen through the radiographic image.
  • The position of the permanent teeth of children whose milk teeth have not fallen out can also be recognized in radiographic images.
  • The radiographic image is used for deep caries, root canal surgery, dental implant surgery, and other oral surgeries and tooth extractions.
  • Orthodontic treatment is also planned from dental radiographs.

Is taking radiographs dangerous?

  • The dose of radiation used in dental x-rays is very low, but it threatens parts of the tissue or cells that are exposed to the imaging rays.
  • It is better for pregnant women not to be exposed to X-rays and dental photography.



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