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Oral abscess (causes, prevention and treatment)

Oral abscesses are often painful, but some abscesses are painless. In any case, a specialist dentist should be consulted to treat the abscess; Because visiting at the first opportunity is very important and prevents the infection from progressing and involving other parts of the face as well as other parts of the body. The opening of the abscess capsule must be done by a dentist. Antibiotics are one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of abscesses after the initial stages of treatment by the dentist, and the type and duration of use must be determined by the dentist. Although the use of salt and starch or other home remedies can be a temporary relief for oral abscess, it can never replace specialized treatment by a dentist and may cause irreversible complications.

Abscess is a purulent cavity that contains dead tissue, white blood cells and bacteria. Abscesses may develop in any part of the body, such as the mouth, and usually appear as red, swollen, and painful lumps. Abscesses in the body lead to swelling of lymph nodes, fever and diseases including septicemia.

A mouth abscess is a pus-filled gland that is caused by a bacterial infection. This type of abscess appears in different parts of the gums and teeth, depending on the factor causing it. Oral abscess is usually accompanied by swelling, pain and itching. All people should be careful to see a specialist dentist for diagnosis and treatment if they see an abscess.

Types of oral abscess

As a result of acute bacterial infection, oral abscess appears with severe pain, as bacteria penetrate deep through gum wounds or holes in decayed teeth and cause oral abscess. Oral abscesses are usually of two types:

Periapical oral abscess

This type of abscess usually appears at the end of the tooth root. Periapical oral abscess occurs as a result of not treating the root canal in time, incomplete restoration of the tooth in the past or damage to the tooth. At this time, bacteria attack the oral pulp, which includes nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels.

Periodontal oral abscess

This type of abscess occurs in the gums and next to the tooth root, so you should try to start the treatment as soon as possible under the supervision of a specialist dentist.

Symptoms of mouth abscess

Do not ignore the symptoms.

The appearance of an oral abscess is accompanied by symptoms such as the following:

  • Toothache with intensity that affects the patient’s jawbone, ear and neck.
  • Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Pain when chewing and biting food
  • Swelling in the part of the face that is close to the oral abscess.
  • The appearance of soft and swollen lymph nodes under the neck and jaw of people
  • Fever as well as difficulty swallowing food
    If you have any of these symptoms, we can easily find the best treatment by consulting a specialist dentist.

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When should we go to the dentist for oral abscess?

If you see an abscess in your mouth or have its symptoms, see a dentist as soon as possible. If you have severe swelling and fever and do not have access to a dentist, you should go to the emergency room as soon as possible; Because, these symptoms indicate the progress of the infection to the tissues around the jaw and other areas of the head and neck.

Oral abscess diagnosis by a specialist dentist

According to his expertise and experience, the oral and dental specialist examines the teeth, gums and all areas of the mouth. It may hit decayed teeth; Because these teeth are sensitive to pressure. The use of X-rays easily shows the extent of infection and its progress, which the dentist usually uses in order to be able to consider the best advice and treatment for the patient.

What factors increase the risk of mouth abscess?

  • Among the most important factors that cause oral abscesses are improper oral hygiene, not taking care of teeth and gums, not brushing regularly, not using dental floss, etc. Lack of attention to oral and dental health increases gum diseases, tooth decay, and oral abscesses.
  • Improper diet, such as frequent use of sweet and sugary foods and drinks, leads to the formation of dental cavities, followed by oral abscesses.
  • Dry mouth, especially due to the use of certain drugs, is one of the other factors that lead to tooth decay and oral abscess.

Complications of oral abscess and not visiting a specialist dentist

If the oral abscess ruptures by itself, foul-smelling liquids will enter the mouth, which may significantly reduce your pain, but you should never think of self-treatment of the abscess; Because the infection may reach your jaw and face, and only a specialist dentist can treat you with a detailed examination.

Even if the oral abscess does not burst, you should visit a specialist doctor for its treatment and examination. Do not wait for recovery without treatment; Because there is a possibility that the infection will increase and involve the whole body. So the best thing to do is to visit a specialist dentist as soon as possible.

Ways to prevent mouth abscess

Because the first and most important cause of oral abscess is tooth decay, you must prevent tooth decay to prevent oral abscess. The following factors are very helpful in oral health.

  • Brush regularly.
  • Use of drinking water containing fluoride within the permitted limit, use of oral and dental antiseptics, as well as fluoride mouthwash available in pharmacies.
  • Regular use of dental floss, toothbrush and toothpaste containing fluoride
  • Change the toothbrush every three to four months
  • Eating healthy foods containing calcium and maintaining a balance in eating sugary foods
  • Regular visit to the dentist for oral examination

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Can a mouth abscess be painless?

Some oral abscesses may be painless. Despite this, they have recognizable symptoms such as swelling of the gums and cheeks. If the mouth abscess appears after root canal treatment, the pain may not be felt due to denervation of the tooth.

Also, non-bacterial abscesses that appear in the mouth are skin-colored and painless, and will burst if not treated; Because these types of abscesses have thin capsules that open with the slightest pressure after being filled.

Wisdom tooth abscess symptoms

When people experience severe pain in their jaw and ears and their wisdom teeth are sensitive to cold and hot food, there is a possibility of wisdom tooth abscess. If you have these symptoms, go to the dentist for treatment and advice so that he can perform the most basic treatment for you. Usually, wisdom tooth abscesses can be treated with surgery.

Oral abscess treatment

  • Abscess treatment should be to control the infection. At this stage, the dentist may open and drain the abscess. By making a small incision, the abscess is opened and drained and then washed with normal saline, which can reduce the swelling.
  • When the mouth abscess is related to the denervation of the tooth root, the nerve must be treated by a dentist to eliminate the infection. In this procedure, the dentist removes the pulp inside the tooth and drains the abscess. After that, the dental pulp chamber and root canal are filled and repaired by the dentist.
  • Sometimes mouth abscess is caused by excessive decay and tooth loss, in which case the dentist extracts the damaged tooth to drain and heal the abscess and drains the abscess to heal the infection.
  • According to the specialist dentist’s diagnosis and the progression of the oral abscess infection, antibiotics are prescribed to treat the infection, the type and duration of which depends on the dentist’s opinion. If the infection is limited to the contents of the abscess, there is no need to use antibiotics, but if the infection has penetrated to the parts of the jaw, antibiotics should be used.
  • Among the other cases that need to prescribe antibiotics, there are people with weak immune system. If they have oral abscess, the dentist will prescribe antibiotics in addition to draining the abscess.
  • Gum abscess tablet: To treat the abscess and the resulting infection, usually antibiotic drugs such as amoxicillin and erythromycin are prescribed by the dentist, and their timely and complete use will help your infection to heal quickly.

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Abscess in children

When your child experiences pain while chewing food, the child’s gums and teeth must be examined by the child’s dentist. Redness and swelling of the gums in children is one of the symptoms of oral abscess in children, which may be accompanied by swelling of the jaw, fever and bad taste in the mouth.

Severe oral abscess infection in a child

Gum diseases, tooth decay and their untreated cause oral abscess in children. The British Health Committee declares during research that the pain of abscess in children is due to the infection getting stuck in the affected parts of the gums. Abscess pain in children may increase during sleep; Because this pain spreads to the jaw, ears and neck.

If your child’s mouth smells bad, it is possible that he has an oral abscess. In these cases, you should immediately go to the dentist to examine the child. Never underestimate this issue and be sure that your child’s gum abscess will not be treated without the intervention of a dentist. Try to visit your child’s dentist once every six months to check your child’s mouth and teeth.

Do not ignore the symptoms of children’s abscess

If your child’s gums have an abscess, the dentist will drain it. Also, if an object is stuck between the child’s gums and teeth, carefully pull it out. All these actions are performed using local anesthesia for the child so that the child does not suffer pain. Self-medication for the child, in addition to causing fear, increases the problems of swelling and infection.

The treatment of children’s abscess must be done by an experienced child dentist so that, in addition to the correct treatment, further problems do not occur and the infection does not spread. After treatment of children’s oral abscess, antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed to achieve complete recovery.

Bursting gum abscess

If you see an abscess in your mouth, the best thing to do is to see a dentist. Popping a gum abscess at home may heal your pain for a short time, but if the infection has progressed to other parts of the jaw and face, your health will be at risk. The dentist examines the cause of the abscess and considers the best treatment for you for maximum recovery in the shortest time.

Oral abscess drainage is best done by a dentist.

Some people use starch to treat oral abscess. A lot of research has been done by researchers in this field, and their results show that the use of starch to treat abscess, infection and tooth decay increases; Because carbohydrates cause more tooth decay.


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