In the last few years, the use of lasers in orthodontics has become more popular among people than before; because this option is very flexible and safe.
The patient should be aware of the appropriate methods and tools to be used. Before you meet with an orthodontic specialist; it is better to know essential things in the field of laser use in orthodontics.
Laser orthodontics is more popular than other treatment methods.
Different types of lasers used in orthodontics:
Soft laser: This type of laser is used to treat soft tissues inside the mouth. For patients who have gum diseases or whose gum tissue is damaged, this type of laser is a good option for them. The diodes in this laser make the result of the treatment of gum diseases immediately visible.
Laser suitable for hard oral tissues: This type of laser is used for hard oral tissues, such as cutting teeth. This laser helps doctors to remove decayed teeth from the mouth without damaging the enamel and dentin of the teeth. With the help of a hard laser, teeth can be prepared for filling or root canal.
Teeth whitening laser: Teeth whitening is one of the most requested by dentists. Teeth whitening is done with the help of products that affect tooth enamel. Even though people today use other methods for teeth whitening, with this type of laser, whitening methods are applied to the teeth, and then the heat from the laser accelerates the effect process.
The bleaching material in this type of laser has a very high concentration; accordingly, it is necessary to protect the lips, teeth, and gums from various injuries. This procedure should be performed under the supervision of a specialist. This type of laser should be done before or after orthodontics.
In addition to therapeutic aspects, lasers also have a cosmetic aspect (such as teeth whitening).
Examining other uses of laser in orthodontics:
- Removal of oral tissues: Using lasers, removing small extra tissues inside the mouth that cause cancer or oral nodules is possible.
- Changing the shape of oral tissues: in addition to removing excess tissues; Gum tissues and lines can be changed. With this item, the gums can be smoothed and leveled after orthodontics.
- Treatment of gum diseases and complications: using a laser in orthodontics causes the openings of the teeth to be closed. This prevents bacteria from entering the teeth. As a result, gum diseases are reduced.
- Treatment of adhesion of the tongue to the roof of the mouth: To separate the part of the frenum from the tongue, a laser can be used, which is called a frenectomy.
Using a laser in orthodontics is a safe and accurate method.
Advantages of using a laser in orthodontics and dentistry:
The first advantage of using laser for orthodontics is less pain than other methods; because there is no anesthesia in it. With the help of a laser, anesthesia occurs by itself and there is no need to inject any substance.
- Laser protects the teeth: laser treatment in orthodontics is performed with high accuracy and clarity. This means that healthy teeth are not damaged during laser treatment.
- Patients’ recovery is faster: during the laser, the target area is closed at the same time, as a result, there is no pain and bleeding, and wound healing is done quickly.
- Lasers are a complete tool: with the help of lasers, you can perform orthodontics, treatment of all kinds of diseases and oral and gum problems, as well as wounds. Since lasers have a high variety, they are more popular with people.
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