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Keeping the removable prosthesis clean

Full or partial removable prostheses require a lot of maintenance. You need to take good care of them so that your smile remains clean and flawless. Keeping the removable prosthesis clean should be done regularly and carefully so that no problems occur in the future.

Dentures retain food and other particles. Bad bacteria then grow from the particles attached to them. Unfortunately, this bacteria leads to gum disease and other serious health problems. Clean your dentures daily to ensure your mouth is safe.

Remove and wash your removable dentures every time you eat. To get rid of food residue, rinse with warm water until clean. Brush your dentures at least once a day to keep them extra clean. It is better to brush your teeth after each use. Washing your dentures after every meal removes debris, but brushing your teeth at night with a denture cleaner removes other plaque.

If you don’t take care of your dentures, you may be at risk for the following conditions:

  • Swelling or ulceration in the mouth due to denture stomatitis
  • Bad Breath
  • Altered taste
  • Pneumonia
  • Improper care can also lead to warping or staining of dentures.
  • Cleaning should remove plaque and stains.

Products used to clean dentures should not harm them. This can cause complications when wearing them and cause more bacteria to grow.

Cleaning materials should be antimicrobial.

There are standard cleaning procedures for dentures that will help you minimize the build-up of bacteria and prevent damage to your removable dentures.

Clean your mouth regularly

It is important to monitor your oral hygiene carefully, even after the dentures are removed, your gums are much softer and therefore more permeable than your teeth.

Use soft toothbrushes and sensitive toothpaste to clean your mouth. Brush your remaining natural teeth, tongue, and roof of your mouth thoroughly.

Soaking overnight for the best fit of removable dentures

After cleaning your dentures, soak them overnight in water or denture solution. Manufacturers and dentists recommend wetting them regularly, as most need to stay moist to maintain their shape.

When you wake up, be sure to rinse your dentures thoroughly. Denture solutions contain chemicals. If swallowed, these chemicals cause nausea, vomiting, and pain.

Keeping the removable prosthesis clean by brushing:

Brush and remove dentures once or twice a day.

Wash your dentures to remove debris such as food.

Clean your dentures on a soft surface like a towel to protect them if they fall out of your hand while brushing.

Follow the denture cleaning instructions. You may need to rinse your dentures with water before putting them back in your mouth.


Soaking your dentures not only gives them a deeper clean but can also be a great way to keep them in place overnight. Denture cleaners kill bacteria while your dentures are wet. Your dentures should always be soaked in water or toothpaste when they are out of your mouth to prevent warping.

Based on the cleaner’s instructions, determine how long your wetsuits can be soaked in a cleaner. Do not soak your dentures in products containing sodium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite bleach for more than 10 minutes.

Take care of your dentures, they are flexible. Be careful not to bend or damage the plastic when cleaning them.

Visit the dentist regularly for the comfort and fit of the dentures. Irritation, sores, and sometimes infection are warning signs that they are too loose.

Never attempt to adjust or repair your removable dentures yourself.

People who use removable prostheses should be examined regularly. Doctors recommend an annual checkup to ensure the health of your mouth and dentures. Patients who are edentulous (without teeth) have soft tissue, muscles, and bones in the head and neck area. Over time, these tissues can change and negatively affect the fit of your dentures. This problem can often be corrected by removing or adjusting the denture. Regular checkups also help prevent ulcers and other more serious problems.

Can you clean removable dentures with bleach?

It is important not to use bleach on your dentures unless specifically directed by your dentist. A 2016 study found that bleach damages the acrylic material in dentures. Stained dentures may require professional cleaning.

Can you clean removable dentures with peroxide?

Many commercial denture cleaning products contain peroxide along with other ingredients. Using these products will help to clean dentures.

Can you use homemade denture cleaner?

You should be careful with any homemade denture cleaner. You can wash them by hand or with dish soap and warm water, but this cleaning method is not recommended. If you can’t use regular cleaning products, a homemade cleaner may be helpful, but it’s best to use commercially available products for long-term care of your dentures.

Keep in mind the three goals of care and cleaning of removable prostheses. Household cleaners cannot achieve all of these goals, which include:

  • Removing plaque and cleaning stains
  • Kill bacteria
  • Maintaining the integrity of prostheses

Studies show that the following products are ineffective against the microorganisms present in the plaque:

  • Soaps
  • Salt
  • Vinegar

Also, mouthwash and isopropyl alcohol kill germs, but they damage the prostheses themselves.

Dental visits

If you wear removable dentures, make regular appointments with your dentist in Richmond Hill. Dentists can make sure the dentures fit properly in your mouth and check for any signs of complications such as lesions or changes in your jaw.

You may also ask your dentist to clean your dentures. They can use special tools such as ultrasonic cleaners. This will remove the biofilm that grows on your peers over time.


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