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Maxillary stenosis and treatment methods

Humans face many diseases and physical abnormalities during their life, which can be treated and regain their health by making the right decision and choosing the right method. Our goal in creating this article is to familiarize you with this syndrome and its treatment method.

What is maxillary stenosis?

This abnormality is a congenital disease or a genetic syndrome due to nasal obstruction and abnormalities of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis. Upper jaw stenosis usually occurs in infants; Babies usually prefer to breathe through their noses, and breathing disorders occur when the nose is blocked. Respiratory disorder in babies occurs in the form of nasal congestion and fast and shallow breathing, which can cause upper jaw congestion. Common causes of nasal obstruction include rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy, deviation of the nasal septum, and polyps. However, choanal atresia, median nasal stenosis, and pyramidal nasal diaphragm stenosis should also be mentioned among the anatomical causes. It is believed that respiratory disorders cause upper jaw narrowing; Because shortness of breath in childhood causes excessive growth of the nasal bone and as a result leads to upper jaw bone narrowing. This abnormality is diagnosed with computed tomography (CT) images.
Also, this problem may occur as a result of sucking the finger or the size and disturbance of the tonsils. In general, among the things that can cause upper jaw tightness include:

  • Respiratory disorders
  • Congenital disease
  • Finger sucking habit
  • Big and bothersome tonsils

Among the symptoms of upper jaw stenosis:

  • The row of teeth of the upper jaw should overlap the lower jaw, otherwise there is a complication of upper jaw narrowness.
  • Excessive cleft palate
  • The lack of alignment of the lower jaw, which has a negative effect on the appearance
  • Triangularity of the front part of the upper jaw
  • Snoring while sleeping
  • Irregular teeth

Maxillary stenosis and treatment methods

What are the complications of upper jaw stenosis?

One of the side effects that can be mentioned is the irregularity of the teeth, which makes the face ugly when talking or laughing. Another side effect is the deep palate, which is unpleasant for the patient. Narrowness of the upper jaw causes the patient’s teeth to not be in their standard row and causes problems when chewing food. On the other hand, it also causes problems in speech because the contact of the tongue with the teeth is not done correctly.

Maxillary stenosis and treatment methods

What is the treatment method for maxillary stenosis?

First, the cause of this abnormality must be sought. Upper jaw narrowness also occurs due to the habit of sucking a finger during infancy; Therefore, one should try to eliminate this habit. Upper jaw treatment is done by palatal expander or RPE. To use it, it is better to consult an orthodontist. But the main method of treatment is orthodontics, where the orthodontist tries to move the upper jaw teeth apart so that they are in their ideal row. This operation is done by placing a device called hyrex in the palate and behind the upper teeth so that the device presses on the teeth and opens up space for the proper placement of the teeth. This device consists of a screw that is placed in a metal frame. It is taken and connected to the tooth. This screw helps to provide the necessary force to press the teeth and the teeth are separated from each other. The person suffering from maxillary stenosis or the parent and guardian of the sick person should turn this screw by one degree every day. It is noteworthy that If the problem of upper jaw tightness has been with the patient since infancy and birth, it is better to treat it at a younger age such as 6 or 7 years. (This operation is possible until the age of 15).

What are the types of jaw abnormalities?

Sometimes, in some patients, the standard row of teeth may change again after removing the orthodontic wire, which is due to the patient’s breathing problem. Therefore, it is better to solve the breathing problem before performing orthodontics. For this purpose, it is necessary to consult an ear, nose and throat specialist before performing orthodontics. Of course, apart from upper jaw narrowness, there are also cases such as protrusion of upper jaw teeth, malocclusion, and crossbite, which require widening of the upper jaw.

What is angulation of the jaw and how can it be done?

When should we see a doctor?

In the early stages, a person suffering from maxillary stenosis should visit his orthodontist every one to two weeks so that the doctor can make sure that the treatment is going well. The hyrex appliance should remain in the mouth for a while at the discretion of the orthodontist until the desired result is achieved and then removed after the desired result is achieved.

What is the feeling of pain in upper jaw orthodontics?

When connecting the device and activating its screw, there is a feeling of pain and pressure, which is completely normal. It is also possible to have sensations such as tingling where the device is connected or under the nose, or that the teeth show extreme sensitivity. But these feelings and pains and discomforts are temporary and after ten to fifteen minutes, the pain will be removed. Of course, the pain may take more time because of the sensitivity of the person’s teeth.

Maxillary stenosis and treatment methods

What points should be followed during the orthodontic period?

  • Taking care of the wires against hitting and hitting or getting objects stuck to them
  • Maintaining cleanliness and using mouthwash, toothbrush and floss regularly
  • Avoid eating hard foods that cause damage to the wire of the teeth

Cost of treatment

The cost of orthodontics is determined according to the skills and work experience of the orthodontist. Of course, there may be additional costs over the orthodontic cost because the treatment may require additional devices such as a maxillary opener.


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