Teeth are one of the most important parts of every person’s body. In addition to their important role in eating, various types of teeth help a person to speak correctly and make the face beautiful. Almost all vertebrates have teeth with white structures that are visible when the mouth is open.
Humans have a unique variety of teeth that begin with the growth of baby teeth and are replaced by primary teeth over time. In the following, we are going to get acquainted with the types of teeth and check the function of each of them.
The process of tooth growth is the same in all people and only the growth time may be slightly different. Teeth usually start growing at the age of 6 months. Since the growth usually starts from the time of pregnancy and then they come out from under the gums in 6 months, the mother’s nutrition and behavior play an important role in the health and growth of the teeth.
The stages of tooth growth usually continue until the age of 12, and all milk teeth give way to permanent teeth. In this way, the process of growing teeth ends. Among all teeth, wisdom teeth usually grow later and in some people, wisdom teeth never erupt. In these cases, it is necessary to perform wisdom tooth surgery and remove the wisdom tooth.
Baby teeth are the first teeth that emerge from the gums. As it was said, the growth of these teeth usually starts at six months with the appearance of teething symptoms. Between the ages of 7 and 12, milk teeth give way to permanent teeth. Children have 20 milk teeth, which are completed by the age of 2 or 3 years.
A child’s 20 baby teeth are divided between the two upper and lower jaws. In each jaw, there are front teeth, fangs and molars. At this time, you should take care of the health of the child’s teeth and observe all the hygiene tips. The health of these teeth affects the health and growth of permanent teeth.
All the teeth in the human jaw have two different parts in terms of structure. These two include the outer part, which is visible in appearance, and the inner part, which is placed inside the gum. The combination of these two together forms a tooth that helps to search for food.
Teeth are divided into different categories as mentioned below.
The sharp teeth in the front of the mouth are called anterior teeth. These teeth are used to bite food. These teeth, which are also called front teeth, are completely smooth with a sharp edge. All people have 8 front teeth. Four teeth are placed in pairs in the upper and lower jaw, and there is another tooth next to them.
These teeth are sharp and pointed teeth that are placed next to the previous teeth. The appearance of these teeth is similar to fangs, which are also called molars or pure teeth. Canines are longer than other teeth and are used to tear food.
Each person has 4 canines, and the permanent canines grow at the age of 9 to 12 years. The lower canine teeth grow earlier than the upper canine teeth.
The largest teeth in all humans are the molars. Teeth with a large, flat surface that have ridges for crushing and chewing food. Each adult has 12 molars and children have eight molars, which are divided between the upper and lower jaw. Wisdom teeth are the last molars of every person, which grow between the ages of 17 and 21.
Small molars, which are called bicuspid teeth, are larger teeth than canines and front teeth. These teeth also have ridges that help in chewing food. Every adult has 8 small molars. The first and second small molars are located next to the canines. These teeth are permanent and children do not have milk molars.
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth that grow in the adult jaw. Some people have four wisdom teeth, some have fewer, and in some people these teeth remain in the jaw bone and never grow. If the wisdom tooth does not grow well or half of it remains in the gum, it causes problems for the person and causes gum infections.
Also, if the jaw does not have enough space for wisdom teeth to grow, the growth of these teeth will damage other teeth and cause pain and swelling. In case of these problems and pain or infection in them, be sure to visit the dentist. Wisdom teeth are also called third molars, which usually have three or four canals.
Teeth are one of the most important and functional parts of the body that are used to chew food. In addition, their placement creates a beautiful appearance in the jaw and face. There are different types of teeth, each of which grows at different ages and has its own use.
The number of milk teeth is different from permanent teeth, which were discussed in detail in this article. Different types of teeth grow at different ages and have different lifespans according to their gender and health care.