A dental implant is one of the modern and effective methods of treating the absence of one or more teeth, which replaces the natural tooth by placing a metal screw in the jawbone and connecting an artificial crown to it. This procedure has many benefits, including improving aesthetic appearance, increasing self-confidence, maintaining the health of other teeth, and preventing jaw deformity. But like any other treatment method, implants may cause some complications and problems that we should be aware of and know the ways to prevent and treat them.
In general, dental implant complications can be divided into two categories: intraoperative complications and postoperative complications. In the following, we will examine both categories and the important points related to them.
Complications during dental implant surgery
Dental implant surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, some of the following complications may occur:
Bleeding at the dental implant site
Bleeding from the placement of the implant screw is a normal and common complication that usually stops after a few hours. But if the bleeding is heavy or prolonged, it may be a sign of damage to the blood vessels and you should see a doctor immediately.
Dental implant site infection
Infection is one of the most common and dangerous complications of dental implants, which can lead to the failure of the operation and the loss of the implant. Infection may occur due to the entry of bacteria into the operation site or lack of proper hygiene after the operation. Symptoms of infection include swelling, redness, pain, fever, and bleeding. If infection occurs, antibiotics and healing drugs should be used immediately, and in severe cases, the implant may need to be replaced or removed.
Damage to the nerves of the tooth
In some cases, the implant screw may come into contact with the nerves in the jaw and cause damage to them. This damage can lead to numbness, itching, burning, or pain in the teeth, lips, cheeks, or tongue. This complication may be temporary or permanent and depends on the extent of the damage. In case of this complication, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs should be used, and if necessary, the implant should be replaced or removed.
Complications after dental implant surgery
After dental implant surgery, some of the following complications may occur:
Gingivitis after implant placement
Gingivitis is a common complication after dental implant surgery, which is usually caused by poor oral hygiene or an allergic reaction to implant materials.
Symptoms of gingivitis include redness, swelling, pain, bleeding, and bad breath. To prevent and treat gingivitis, you should pay attention to oral and dental hygiene and use brushing and flossing. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory mouthwashes should also be used, and in severe cases, see a dentist.
Implant failure
Implant failure is a rare but serious complication after dental implant surgery, which can be caused by excessive pressure on the implant, use of weak or inappropriate materials, non-compliance of the implant with the jawbone, or infection. Implant failure can lead to pain, inflammation, bleeding, mouth deformity, and loss of tooth citizenship. If the implant breaks, you should immediately visit the dentist and replace or remove the implant.
Implant rejection is the worst type of complication after surgery
Implant rejection is another complication after dental implant surgery, which is caused by the lack of proper connection of the implant to the jawbone or the body’s immune reaction to the implant material. Failure of the implant can lead to mobility, swelling, pain, inflammation, and bleeding of the implant. If the implant is rejected, you should use anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs and see a dentist in Hamilton. It may be necessary to replace or remove the implant or use other treatment methods.
Ways to prevent dental implant complications
To prevent dental implant complications, the following points should be observed:
- Choosing a specialist and experienced dentist to perform dental implant surgery
- Selection of appropriate and quality materials and techniques for implants
- Following the dentist’s instructions before and after the dental implant operation
- Observance of oral hygiene and use of toothbrush, dental floss and mouthwash
- Visiting a dentist for examination and follow-up of dental implant status
- Avoiding bad habits such as smoking, alcohol, tobacco and drugs
- Avoiding hard, sticky, sour, or sugary foods
- Avoid putting too much pressure on the dental implant, such as chewing or biting