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How to fix a loose denture?

Having loose dentures is not only uncomfortable but also embarrassing for people. Over time, they even compromise your oral health. Unfortunately for denture wearers, they experience denture loosening, which is often part of the long-term consequences of its use, requiring special dental care. In the continuation of this article, how to fix loose dentures?

When looking to fix a loose denture, there are several options. These changes include quick in-office corrections through permanent changes to your dentures, which can last for years.

Continue reading to learn more about why your dentures may be uncomfortable what you can do about loose dentures and what to do about it.

Solutions to secure loose dentures

Dentures are comfortable, at least most of the time! , but sometimes prostheses can cause mild discomfort. This discomfort can be quite common if you’re new to dentures, but the good news is that it only takes a little time to adjust and you’ll soon be living comfortably with your dentures.

When you visit your dentist, he will suggest several possible solutions to the problem of loose dentures, the following are the most common:

Identify the problem

Figuring out why your dentures are loose can be a difficult task, but it’s important to identify the root cause to effectively fix it. Many factors can play a role in this, such as the change in the shape of the jaw and the bone that supports the prosthesis over time, the fracture of parts of the artificial tooth, wear and tear, or the incorrect fit of the artificial tooth during manufacturing, etc.

Use adhesives or relining kits

Denture adhesives and relining kits are effective tools for improving the fit of dentures. Both allow you to make fine adjustments to the size and shape of the prosthesis to better match the size and shape of the patient’s mouth. Denture adhesive can make dentures more comfortable to wear, help keep them in place, and make eating and speaking easier. They provide an extra layer of security while supporting the mouth and gum line.

Practice good denture care habits

Keeping your dentures clean isn’t just important for your oral health. It is also essential to maintain a comfortable and safe fit and function. Daily wear and tear on dentures can wear them down, which is why regular denture cleaning helps eliminate odor and discoloration caused by oral bacteria.

It is recommended that people who use dentures brush their dentures at least twice a day using a soft toothbrush, a specialized denture cleaner, and warm water. In addition, it is important to soak dentures in water overnight when they are not in use to thoroughly clean them and reduce the risk of change due to drying. Proper dental care will help keep your teeth looking and feeling great for years to come!

Why do dentures loosen?

Dentures stay in place by being placed in the gums. Unfortunately, when the gums no longer support the natural teeth, it causes bone loss. As the bones degenerate, the gum strength also increases and often shrinks into a smaller shape. This process is called dissolution and is the cause of many loose dentures.

While good oral hygiene practices such as cleaning dentures and removing them at night can help prevent bone loss, this is not always the case – especially for those who wear full dentures. do

Loose dentures cause health problems

Many people do not know that the use of loose dentures can cause health problems in the short and long term.

Loose dentures cause friction at the gum line. While this is minor at first, chronic inflammation eventually leads to scarring. When a tooth is left loose, increased inflammation is not only painful but can increase the risk of oral cancer.

As such, when you notice that your dentures are loose, it’s best to make an appointment to talk to your dentist and get the problem fixed as soon as possible.

What health problems do improper dentures cause?

An ill-fitting denture may be uncomfortable and annoying, but it can also be associated with some health problems, such as:

Gum irritation: An ill-fitting denture can cause inflammation in the mouth and gum tissue, leading to infection or even increasing the risk of oral cancer.

Sores and blisters: Loose dentures can cause sores and blisters inside the mouth.

Nutritional problems: You may find it difficult to chew with ill-fitting dentures, so it may be difficult for you to follow a healthy and balanced diet and you may be depriving your body of some nutrients.

Headaches and earaches: Pain from denture problems can spread and cause headaches and earaches.

Risk of oral infection If dentures do not fit properly, this can affect your teeth and cause them to become uneven and in some cases increase the risk of oral infection.

How to repair improper dentures?

If you feel uncomfortable or think the size of the denture is a problem, see your dentist to see if they can adjust it with soft materials. Placing dentures will help them feel more comfortable on the gum line. Once your gums have healed, you can even use denture adhesive to help them stay in place, which can also help with irritation.

Why not try to fix loose dentures at home?

When a denture needs repair or adjustment, your dentist uses materials made specifically for dentures that are not available outside of the dentist’s office. Even if you think you can find a good over-the-counter replacement, they usually contain chemicals that can damage your dentures and cause even more damage. So, if you want to make sure your dentures last, always have them repaired or adjusted by your dentist in Richmond Hill.


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