Everyone loves a bright, white smile, but most people don’t have the sparkling teeth Hollywood has made popular. Home whitening products such as strips and gels or in-office teeth whitening procedures are ways to brighten people’s teeth and reduce surface stains. But the important question is how long does teeth bleaching last?
No matter what type of teeth whitening process you use, teeth whitening will not last forever. Home products may have minimal to excellent results that last for several months. Professional dental procedures may extend this time to 2 to 3 years.
In this article, I have compared teeth whitening methods to see which has the longest-lasting results. We will also explain how long you can expect them to last and what you can do to make your teeth whiter for longer.
Factors that affect the durability of teeth bleaching
If you’ve ever wondered how long your bleaching results will last, you’re not alone. Several factors can affect how long your teeth stay white.
Inner spots vs. outer spots
Remember that the degree and type of discoloration or staining of your teeth are important. There are two types of tooth stains:
Internal stains are those that form inside the tooth, often as a result of taking certain medications (such as tetracycline) or due to trauma (such as a tooth that has been pulled and not replaced). Because these stains are inside the teeth, they are more difficult to treat and usually require professional teeth whitening.
On the other hand, external stains are created on the tooth surface. These types of stains are generally caused by habits such as drinking coffee, tea, or red wine. smoking; or eating foods with a lot of spices or pigments, eg. Turmeric, soy sauce, and dark chocolate. Because extrinsic stains are on the surface of the tooth, extrinsic stains are easier to treat.
Some of these things you may be able to control, but others you may not be able to do much about.
Factors affecting the durability of teeth bleaching
In the following, we discuss some important and influential factors in the durability of teeth bleaching, which are:
The type of teeth whitening method you use
If you choose an at-home teeth whitening kit, you can generally expect your bleaching results to last about four to six months. However, if you choose to have your teeth professionally whitened at a dental office, your results can last up to a year or even longer with proper care.
The type of food and drink you consume
If you enjoy drinking dark liquids like coffee, tea, or red wine regularly, your teeth are likely to start yellowing earlier than people who don’t. The same goes for pigmented or acidic foods such as berries or ketchup.
While you obviously can’t avoid these altogether, it’s important to be mindful of how often you use them if you want your teeth-whitening results to last.
The natural color of your teeth
Believe it or not, the natural color of your teeth can also be effective in the longevity of the results. People with yellower teeth are likely to see the biggest change after having their teeth professionally whitened because they have more stains to begin with. However, people with naturally whiter teeth may need shorter treatment times.
your age
Unfortunately, as we age, our teeth become more yellow. This is because the top layer of our teeth, or enamel, begins to thin and the dentin (which is yellowish) is exposed underneath.
If you are over the age of 30, you can expect that your teeth whitening will not take as long as someone in their 20s.
How do you take care of your teeth after whitening?
Good oral hygiene is important not only for maintaining overall dental health but also for the appearance of your smile. Do you smoke or use tobacco products? To maintain the results, you may need to have your teeth professionally whitened more frequently as smoking can cause premature yellowing of teeth.
Also, you may always hear from your dentist in Kingston to brush twice a day, floss regularly, and use alcohol-free mouthwash to keep your smile bright and shiny!
How long does the effect of teeth bleaching last?
How long you can expect teeth whitening to last depends on the type of bleach you use. Your lifestyle habits also have an effect.
Teeth whitening treatments are designed to reduce stains, not remove them. If you have good oral habits and keep your teeth clean, home products and dental procedures will last longer.
If you want to keep your teeth clean and white between dental visits, there are at-home teeth whitening kits that you can use. These aren’t as strong as those used in professional teeth whitening treatments, but they can help brighten your teeth and maintain your results.