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Honey against tooth decay

Honey is one of the first sweeteners that was used, but sweetness is not its only property, minerals and useful vitamins have turned it into a nutritious and useful food. Honey is rich in sugars such as glucose and fructose and minerals such as magnesium. , potassium, calcium, sodium chloride, Sulphur, iron and phosphate. This edible substance is not only harmful to the teeth due to its antibacterial substances in replacing sugar but also activates the fluorine substance in tea, which is an anti-tooth decay substance. Compared to other sugary substances, it has 40 percent fewer calories, and although its energy is very high, it does not add to a person’s body weight, while due to the high amount of fructose, it is 25 percent sweeter than sugar. Honey is a very good source of antioxidants and its role It is important in preventing cancer as well as heart diseases and it slows down the physiological process of aging and prevents premature weakness of vital functions. It is better for pregnant mothers who are about to give birth to eat honey because it makes childbirth easier and causes Breast milk to increase.

The effect of honey on oral health

The effect of honey and beeswax on teeth: Yellowness and darkening of teeth, formation of plaque, abscess, and infectious toothache are among the most common dental problems. Because of its anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties, honey can help to solve these problems and diseases.

Investigating the decay of teeth and the effect of honey consumption on the health of teeth and gums

When water is combined with honey, one of the enzymes in honey, called glucose oxidase, produces disinfectant substances. This disinfectant is called hydrogen peroxide and it is used in many health products related to mouth and teeth. When plaque-producing bacteria come into contact with hydrogen peroxide, they are unable to secrete dextran. Dextran is one of the compounds in dental plaque.

The main reason for the antiseptic property of honey is also the production of hydrogen peroxide.

The results of a study at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, have shown that certain types of natural honey, due to their antimicrobial properties, can prevent the formation of mass and plaque.

Teeth whitening with honey

As we know, plaque and tartar are one of the causes of dark and yellow teeth. Consuming honey, in the form of mouthwash, or brushing with it, can prevent the formation of plaque and thus make the teeth whiter.

Is chewing beeswax good for dental health?

Many experts believe that chewing beeswax can prevent tooth decay. But how does using wax prevent tooth decay?

Chewing beeswax is one of the best ways for the health of the mouth and teeth and the freshness of the oral environment. Chewing wax increases the secretion of saliva. Saliva is a natural cleanser and the secretion of the right amount of it can permanently wash the teeth and thus prevent the formation of plaque.

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