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Front tooth decay: causes and laser treatment

Dentists treat decay in front teeth like any other tooth. Of course, their restoration has more steps, because the good appearance of the teeth must be maintained, anyway, these teeth are in front of sight and attention.

Cavities and holes in the back teeth make them more susceptible to decay. Food can get stuck in these cavities and it is difficult to clean them with a toothbrush, however, decay of the front teeth is also possible.

Some words related to teeth

Humans have 4 main types of teeth. The front teeth are called incisors. There are 4 incisors in the upper jaw (which is called the maxilla) and 4 more in the lower jaw (which is called the mandible). Next to these teeth, there is another part called the canine teeth. These teeth are present in the upper and lower jaw. After that, two premolars are present on both sides and at the top and bottom. Finally, at the end of the upper and lower jaw, there are three molars on each side.

Most caries occur in molars and premolars. Their rough surface makes it easier to grind food while chewing. The raised and uneven part of these teeth is a good place for food particles to stick. If these particles are not cleaned by brushing or flossing, their acid eats the tooth and causes decay. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to reach them with a toothbrush and they create a suitable place for decay.

Because incisors are more accessible and have a smoother surface, they are easier to clean. This will reduce the decay of the front tooth, but it is still possible.

How is tooth decay formed?

When acid and sugary substances are combined by bacteria, decay occurs. They accumulate on the tooth surface and create a sticky substance called plaque. If the plaque stays there long enough, it causes corrosion of the surface and hard part of the tooth or the tooth enamel. The created hole is called a hole. This cavity can be superficial and only destroy the tooth enamel, or it can continue to destroy and become deep. If it reaches the soft part that enamel uses, i.e. dentin, it spreads faster and more. Finally, it may reach the dental pulp. This is part of the root of the tooth that contains blood vessels and neurons. In this case, the bacteria can cause a painful infection called an abscess.

When the decay is low, the patient may notice its presence. They may only be seen on an X-ray image. When they grow, they cause discomfort and pain. Chewing may be difficult, or hot and cold substances may cause pain. Sometimes decay occurs in the form of brown or gray spots on the teeth. In this case, it is easier to detect front tooth decay.

What causes front tooth decay?

The same things that cause cavities in your back teeth can lead to decay in your front teeth:

  • Sugary foods and drinks, especially fizzy drinks
  • Food that gets stuck in your teeth
  • Forgetting to brush your teeth
  • Forget about flossing your teeth every day
  • Gastric acid reflux
  • Fluoride deficiency

In adults, caries in the front teeth are no different from the back teeth. Its main cause is wrong brushing and flossing and using foods and drinks containing high amounts of sugary and acidic substances. Some specific diseases and genetics of people can also play a role in causing caries.

When front tooth decay is seen in children, it may be due to the use of milk bottles, which is called “baby bottle tooth decay”. Doctors advise parents not to bottle-feed babies overnight or for long periods during the day. This causes the natural sugar of milk, juice, or milk powder to accumulate in the baby’s mouth, which results in the activity of bacteria. Although these teeth fall after birth, they play an essential role in the growth and health of other teeth. Tooth decay in children causes difficulty in chewing and speaking. Dental care should be done even before the teeth come out by cleaning the baby’s gums. Brushing should become a part of the child’s habit, and the first visit should be six months after the first tooth erupts or around the first birthday.

Treatment of front tooth decay

The treatment of front tooth decay is the same as other tooth decay. Most of the time it should be filled. Since the teeth are in the front and center of view, the doctor suggests using composite or porcelain to fill the tooth. Unlike color compounds that look like silver or gold, these materials match the color of the teeth. Using veneers is a good choice to fill large cavities, especially if there is decay in the front teeth. The veneer covers the entire front tooth. This method is more invasive than filling. To fill, the dentist makes a hole right next to the decay. To apply the coating, the doctor shaves off a large part of the tooth enamel surface and then attaches the coating.

In case of extensive caries, the patient needs a crown to cover the entire tooth. If the decay is deep, the patient probably needs a root canal procedure first. The use of a peak, like a filling, has materials that can be chosen with the color and appearance of other teeth. The methods that are chosen to repair caries are like the use of cosmetics and hygiene products. Remember, restorative materials are man-made and not the same as tooth enamel itself. Teeth change color over time, but color change does not occur in fillings, crowns, and veneers, and after a while, it becomes visible, especially in the front teeth. Even if you use the best teeth whitening materials for other teeth, they still have color differences. It is best to talk to your doctor about whitening your teeth before proceeding. They can design the appearance and color of the material according to your teeth.

Treatment of front tooth decay with laser

Laser tooth restoration is a modern, pain-free, and anesthesia-free method. The laser uses light to find the hidden cavities of the tooth. This method is also the most precise way to remove tooth decay, meaning dentists do not have to remove parts of healthy teeth to use a drill.

Do not ignore front tooth decay

Front tooth decay is not less or more than other decays. Ignoring front tooth decay causes it to spread and cause damage. Any tooth decay should be shown to the dentist in Canada immediately.


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