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Frequently asked questions about composite polishing

Is polishing normal or do I need a new crown?

The matte finish makes the dental veneer more susceptible to staining. A skilled cosmetic dentist can polish and polish the veneer to almost its original shine. Although veneered tooth polishing does not require that specialized skill during installation, still note that laminate tooth polishing requires knowledge about how to perform polishing and the use of specialized materials. Therefore, you should see an experienced dentist.

Can baking soda be used to polish veneers?

If you have composite veneers, do not use baking soda or whitening gels and whitening toothpaste. Prolonged use causes scratches that attract stains. Use a low-wear composite toothpaste prescribed by your cosmetic dentist in Ottawa.

What characteristics should composite polishing paste have?

This dough should have the following characteristics:

  • Simple handling
  • Creating a transparent and smooth surface
  • Medium viscosity
  • Can be used for polishing porcelain and other restorative materials

What stains are removed by using polish?

To get the answer to this question, it is better to first know that the stains on the teeth can be of two types, one is internal and the other is external. Get help from a gum surgeon to fix this problem.

Internal stains are created due to illness, use of special drugs, etc., which require a dental denervation process to remove them. However external or external stains are caused by reasons such as lack of oral and dental hygiene, smoking, excessive consumption of drinks and colored foods, etc., and polishing can be a suitable option to remove these types of stains.

Does composite polishing hurt teeth?

Dental composite polishing does not cause any pain and there is no need to use anesthesia.

When is dental composite polishing done?

Polishing is the last stage of dental composite. After placing the composites on your tooth and shaping it, the last step is to correct the details of the tooth. When it comes to polishing, it can be divided into four steps: shaping the details, correcting the macro details, correcting the micro details, and creating the final shine. The first step of finishing and polishing the teeth includes checking or correcting the shape of the teeth. Tooth shaping is responsible for the symmetry and integration of the composite veneer with other teeth.

To check the shape, the angle lines should be carefully checked. It may be necessary to give an angle on the tooth. For example, in a woman’s smile, the teeth may be more curved and the angle of the tooth is more rounded. Therefore, in the first stage of polishing, we shape the teeth according to the person’s smile. In the next step, more detailed corrections are made to smooth the surface of the composite tooth, and in the last step, the final polishing is done for the shine of the teeth. Also, after one to two years of dental composite, you may feel that your teeth don’t have that initial shine. Of course, it completely depends on the care after dental composite. Therefore, you may need to polish your teeth.


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