In this article, we will explain dental terms and types of dental treatments to you. Knowing dental terms will help you to have proper information about your teeth and the treatment you need when you go to the dentist in Canada and provide explanations.
Dental plaque: The sedimentary layers of food and oral bacteria that remain on the teeth are called plaque. Plaque is removed through effective brushing.
Dental plaque: the deposited and thickened layers of plaque are called dental plaque. Hardened plaque can be removed by a dentist and a plaque removal device.
Tooth decay: the acid caused by tooth bacteria that softens the tooth enamel and penetrates the tooth dentin. Tooth decay remains painless when it has not entered the tooth pulp and has not damaged the tooth nerve.
Tooth abscess: An abscess is a tooth infection that causes swelling in the root due to damage to the nerve and pulp of the tooth. Failure to treat a tooth abscess in time causes the infection to enter deep spaces and cause dysfunction and obstruction of the respiratory tract, causing damage to the throat and even the brain and causes brain involvement and meningitis (inflammation and swelling of the meninges) and even death
Gum disease: Gum disease is associated with infection and inflammation and is a factor that causes the destruction of the bone that supports the teeth in the jaw. In situations where dental plaque gets into the space between the gums and the teeth, it can cause inflammation of the gums and if it is not removed and the treatment of the gum infection is not done, it will gradually cause the loss of the tooth root and instead of treating tooth decay, it is necessary to Tooth extraction. Gum disease is often asymptomatic or painless and is one of the causes of bad breath.
Root canal, endodontic treatment, endo, root canal therapy, RCT, denervation: It is one of the dental treatments that is of particular importance. In this treatment, the root canal of the tooth and the inner cavity of the tooth, which contains nerve, blood and cellular tissues, are emptied and then cleaned and free of infection. Then it is filled with a special material called gutta-percha and after this treatment, if the tooth is infected, it is treated with endodontic surgery.
Amalgam: It is a type of dental filling material that is composed of mercury, silver, tin, copper and zinc. Amalgam fills the tooth cavity after sharpening the tooth and hardening, and the tooth holds it inside itself after the amalgam hardens.
Dental composite: It is a kind of white restorative materials and tooth-colored materials, which is called bonding between the composite and the tooth. In addition to beautifying the front teeth, composites also treat other areas of the teeth.
Dental laminate: It is a thin shell with low thickness and made of ceramic, and depending on the shape and color of each person’s tooth, it is made in the laboratory after surface grinding and molding of the tooth. Laminates are attached to the outer part of the front teeth and things such as color, appearance and size change and have a significant effect on people’s smiles.
Bleaching: teeth change color over time due to consumption of colored food and smoking. The cause of this color change is the decrease in tooth enamel strength and the penetration of pigments into it. Bleaching is a treatment in which oxidizing substances destroy the pigments that have penetrated into the tooth enamel and whiten the color of the teeth. Bleaching is done in two ways: Office Bleach and Home Bleach.
Dental implant: The implant is a screw-shaped base that is placed inside the jawbone and in the empty space of the tooth and performs the work of a healthy tooth. The tooth cover is also placed on the implant base by a connection called abutment.
Immediate implant: It is a different technique in implant treatment, depending on the thickness and density of the jawbone, the implant is inserted into the jawbone in one day at the same time as the base tooth is extracted, and the next visit is after 3 months for molding the implant cover.
Dental bridge: They are replacement coverings for empty teeth and in such a way that two implants or two teeth are connected together like a bridge and replace the missing teeth. For the placement of the bridge, it is necessary to shave the surrounding teeth and cover both sides of the joint of the base teeth.
Dental pin: The pin is used when a corner of the tooth is missing. The function of the dental pin is to strengthen the filling material, but in some cases it may cause tooth cracking or nerve loss.
Dental post: The post is placed inside the filled tooth canal to support the bridge or dental crown.
Overdenture: It is called a tooth that is placed on a number of bases that are inside the jaw. The bases can be implants or rooted treatment teeth that are shortened and placed under the tooth.
Biopsy: sampling of living tissue from different parts of the mouth is called, which is done in the laboratory under a microscope and with chemical methods to diagnose the type of disease in the mouth.