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Maintaining oral and dental hygiene has a significant impact on maintaining body health. If you want to protect your teeth from the risk of decay: take the messages about oral hygiene seriously; Choose the best health products; Learn the correct way to brush and floss your teeth and visit the dentist at regular intervals.
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Of course, brushing your teeth every morning and night is not all the care your teeth need, and the impact of bad habits should not be neglected. However, learning how to brush your teeth correctly provides a powerful way to fight tooth decay. Use the following health tips to improve your oral health. Stay with us.
You don’t need any special equipment or cover to keep your toothbrush clean. In fact, by covering the toothbrush, you provide a suitable environment for the growth of bacteria and their entry into the mouth. Just wash the toothbrush after each use and let it dry. It is not necessary to repeat that shared use of toothbrushes is prohibited.
The bristles of the toothbrush rot over time and its cleaning power is lost, so it is better to change the toothbrush once every three to four months or during the six-month periodic visits.
Weekly brushing with baking soda removes stains and whitens teeth. Use baking soda in an amount equivalent to toothpaste. You can also use salt as an alternative to toothpaste. In any case, be sure to throw out the salt so that you don’t increase your sodium intake. In addition, we recommend that you brush your teeth with salt every other day if your gums are sensitive.
Flossing, like brushing, should be done correctly. By flossing between the teeth, you actually remove the mass and germs accumulated in this space. It is best to remove about 18 inches of floss at a time so that you can insert a clean, unused section between both teeth and not bring bacteria back between the teeth. Remember to floss back and forth in a ‘C’ shape on the tooth so that the floss wraps around the tooth.
There is a tongue cleaner or abrasive on the back of some new toothbrushes. Since brushing does not remove the bacteria on the tongue, be sure to clean the tongue after brushing so that you have sent the bacteria out of the mouth and have a fresh mouth.
The mouthwash penetrates into spaces that cannot be cleaned with either a toothbrush or dental floss, and the mouthwash removes particles that irritate the gum line and cause gum discomfort. So don’t forget the mouthwash even when you are in a hurry.
Fluoride is an element that is naturally present in teeth and gives it strength. Fluoride therapy helps prevent caries. Experts believe that getting fluoride from several different sources is the best way to prevent tooth decay.
Fluoride occurs naturally in low concentrations in water sources. Some foods such as red meat, fish, eggs and tea also contain fluoride. Also, in some regions, fluoride is added to tap water. Many toothpastes, mouthwashes, and various dental treatments also provide fluoride for teeth. If necessary, the dentist prescribes fluoride tablets for children who do not get enough fluoride from drinking water.
Swish apple cider vinegar in the morning and then brush your teeth. Apple cider vinegar helps remove tooth stains, whiten teeth, and kill bacteria in the mouth and gums.
Chewing sugarless gum is beneficial for the teeth because stuck food particles are removed by chewing and the acidic state of the mouth is neutralized by increasing saliva. In addition, the raw materials used in some gums reduce the risk of decay and help treat areas that are prone to impending decay.
If you’ve brushed your teeth well and removed all the bacteria and food particles from between your teeth and around your mouth, but then you’ve had snacks, you should brush your teeth again before going to bed. By eating snacks before bed and not brushing your teeth afterward, you allow food particles and sugary substances to remain on the teeth for a long time and feed bacteria that are harmful to oral health.
Hard and crunchy foods clean teeth when chewed. Apple is one of these useful foods, which is also called a natural toothbrush. Raw carrots, celery and roasted corn also have this dual use. To get the most benefit from eating such foods, consume them at the end of a meal and when you cannot brush your teeth immediately after eating.
Cheese, chicken or other meats, nuts and milk are the best and most useful foods for teeth; Because they protect the tooth enamel by providing calcium and phosphorus necessary to renew essential minerals.
Eating hard and crunchy fruits like apples and pears and vegetables are also good for teeth. The main ingredient of these foods is water, which reduces the effect of sugary substances and increases the secretion of saliva. Food particles are removed from between the teeth by increasing saliva and the acidic environment of the mouth is neutralized.
Water, especially fluoridated water, milk and bitter tea are the best drinks for teeth. Reduce your intake of sugary drinks such as soda, lemonade, and sugar-sweetened coffee or tea.
It is better to eat acidic foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes and lemons with larger meals to minimize their acidic effect.
Milk is one of the main sources of sugar in the diet, but you should not avoid drinking milk for this reason; Because milk actually helps maintain the health of bones and teeth. Milk sugar is of the lactose type, which causes the least damage to the teeth. After all, the calcium in milk strengthens baby and permanent teeth. In addition, if you eat foods that cause tooth decay, such as sweets, with milk, the milk prevents the teeth from getting damaged.
But as much as it is useful to drink milk during the day, it is just as harmful at night before sleep. Be sure to brush your teeth before going to bed and never let your child go to bed with a bottle of juice or other sweetened drinks, because the remaining of these substances on the teeth will lead to extensive decay.