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Duration of orthodontics (time to straighten teeth in dental orthodontics)

The duration of dental orthodontics, or the length of time that must be spent on orthodontic devices to correct malocclusion or dental abnormalities, can be determined by a wide range of influencing factors. Come along to get to know all the factors affecting the duration of orthodontic treatment and know approximately how long you should undergo this treatment to make your teeth smooth and uniform.

The duration of dental orthodontics is not the same for everyone.

There are no two people whose problems are exactly the same. Because the teeth and their position are different in each person. Therefore, it cannot be said that, for example, this period is 1 year. We usually propose a range or a time frame for this issue.

First of all, you should show yourself to a good orthodontist so that he can fully evaluate you. During this evaluation, a good orthodontic specialist will determine the type of problem and the type of orthodontic treatment for you, taking into account specific factors such as the following:

  • The space inside your mouth
  • The distance required for the teeth to move
  • Oral condition
  • General health status
  • And …

It may be determined after the evaluation that you do not need orthodontics at all. If it is diagnosed that your teeth suffer from a particular problem, the specialist will determine the type of tooth and give you an approximate duration of orthodontic treatment.

Duration of orthodontics for children and adults at a glance

On average, most patients and visitors to dental clinics should use dental braces for six months to two years in order to have uniform and regular teeth. However, depending on the severity of their problem, sometimes the period of dental orthodontics can be longer in some patients. We will continue to examine the effective factors in determining orthodontic time.

Factors affecting the duration of orthodontics of teeth

1. Type of orthodontic device

There are many different orthodontic appliances to treat all kinds of problems, misalignments and malocclusions of the mouth and teeth. Some appliances take less time to align crooked teeth than others. If you think that the problem with your teeth is not serious and severe, you can ask your orthodontist to consider a device for you with which the length of orthodontic treatment is short (for example, the duration of movable orthodontics is longer than fixed orthodontics).

2. General health and oral hygiene

It is always recommended to speak to a good orthodontist or general dentist for advice before treatment. Sometimes there may be problems with your mouth and teeth. For example, gingivitis, the presence of decay, tartar and hard dental masses cause the length of treatment and the duration of orthodontic treatment to increase. If you are facing poor oral and dental hygiene and you experience the mentioned problems, you must fix them before treatment so that you can be treated. Similarly, if you do not observe oral and dental hygiene during the treatment, the period of orthodontic treatment will definitely be longer.

3. Type of tooth problem

During orthodontics, we want to straighten crooked teeth with the help of special devices and by applying pressure. This requires shifting the teeth. This means that the teeth should move from their crooked position and reach the smooth, even and desired position over time. For example, if there is a gap between the teeth, the gap can be closed much faster. If your jaw is big enough and the teeth do not travel a long distance to straighten or reach the desired position, the period of dental orthodontic treatment will definitely be short. But suppose, for example, that one of your jaws is ahead of the other. This is a problem that really needs a lot of time to heal. In any case, if the problems of the jaws are severe, the duration of upper or lower jaw orthodontics will be long.

4. Severity of the problem

 The greater the severity of the tooth problem, the longer the duration of orthodontic treatment. Suppose the distance between two teeth is 2 cm instead of 1 cm. It is definitely more difficult to close a distance of two centimeters than to close shorter distances. Therefore, it takes more time. If your problem is a more severe malocclusion such as overbite, underbite, crossbite, etc. Also, the duration of dental orthodontics will be much longer. Secondly, two-stage orthodontic treatments may be required to solve such severe problems. For example, jaw surgery may be necessary first, then dental orthodontics. Or that the treatment should be done in two stages, one in childhood and the other in adulthood.

5. Age

Age is another factor that determines how long you should use orthodontic appliances. The orthodontic period for children is usually shorter. Because their oral, jaw and dental structures are still growing and their problems can be solved very soon. But the duration of adult orthodontics is usually longer. Because their jaws need more time and money than growing upright and straightening their teeth. However, if you go to a good orthodontist, the treatment time may be reduced in adults as well.

6. Taking some medicines

You probably haven’t read this somewhere or someone hasn’t told you. The results of the research show that excessive use of some drugs such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin can reduce the movement of teeth and consequently reduce the duration of dental orthodontics. Therefore, you should avoid frequent use of these non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Other categories of drugs that can have a similar effect on tooth movement include:

  • Fluoride
  • Estrogen
  • Corticosteroids
  • And immunosuppressant’s.

Contrary to the above cases, the use of thyroid drugs and vitamin D can accelerate the movement of teeth and reduce the time of dental orthodontics. Therefore, it is very important to see a good orthopedic specialist before starting treatment and talk to him about the medications you are taking.

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