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Does bone graft in the implant hurt?

Dental implants have revolutionized modern dentistry. They are an effective way to replace teeth lost due to infection, trauma, severe tooth decay, or gum disease. Unlike bridges or high-maintenance dentures, implants are fixed directly to the jawbone, so they are a near-permanent long-term solution. Especially when teeth are lost and not replaced for a while, the place where the tooth used to be needs to be restored to support the implant. This bone formation is called bone grafting. Some people are afraid and worried about this operation because they think that the bone graft in the implant is painful. It should be said that naturally, bone grafting in the implant is painful, but this pain is not unbearable, and if the patients follow the recommended measures, a large part of the pain can be reduced with pain reduction methods.

In the continuation of this article about the type of maintenance of the bone graft in the implant, we have given some tips that can have a great effect on pain reduction. But before that, it is not a bad idea to familiarize yourself with the mechanism of the dental implant to identify the source of the pain.

What is a dental implant?

Dental implants are titanium screws surgically placed in place of missing teeth that provide the foundation for a full range of dental restorations. Dental implants have become the standard in the treatment of tooth loss due to their safety, durability, and longevity. To be successful, dental implants must fuse with the jawbone, which requires a significant amount of bone tissue.

Unfortunately, bone degeneration following tooth loss is common, making some patients poor candidates for this procedure. However, the dentist in Windsor can perform bone grafting before dental implant treatment. Bone grafting strengthens the jawbone and allows patients to enjoy the benefits of dental implant treatment.

Bone density and dental implant treatment

One of the primary factors in determining the dental implant candidate is whether the patient has enough bone tissue to support the dental implant or not. Bone density plays a vital role in the final success of dental implant treatment. During dental implant surgery, the dentist places dental implants in the patient’s jawbone. However, this alone does not provide the security needed for implants to support dental restorations.

For dental implant treatment to be successful, the implants must be combined with the patient’s natural jawbone in a process called osseointegration. Imam If the patient has experienced significant bone degeneration (bone breakdown), this fusion cannot occur. Fortunately, an insufficient amount of jaw bone tissue does not automatically disqualify a patient from dental implant treatment. These patients can undergo bone grafting before dental implant treatment to strengthen the jawbone to support the dental implants.

Bone grafting method

Bone grafting can strengthen the thin, soft, or worn jawbone. During this procedure, the dentist places a piece of bone from another part of the body or a special grafting material into the jaw, where dental implants are placed. After the graft is placed, the gum incision is closed and the patient is given time to heal. Over the next few months, the graft will grow a new, healthy bone structure. Once a sufficient amount of bone tissue has grown, the patient will be ready to undergo dental implant treatment. Bone grafting greatly increases the chances of successful dental implant treatment in patients who have experienced bone loss.

Risks of dental bone grafting

Bone grafting in dental implants is safe and usually has a very high success rate. However, as with all surgical procedures, there is a small risk. It should be said that bone grafting in the implant hurts and this pain is probably caused by the following:

  • infection
  • Allergic reaction
  • reject link
  • wound fracture
  • nerve damage
  • Damage to natural teeth or blood vessels
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Numbness, and tingling in the gums, lips, and cheeks
  • scar
  • Sinus problems (with maxillary implants)
  • Swelling, pain, and bruising
  • Abnormal bone growth
  • blood clotting

Pain reduction methods and bone graft care in implants

Your dentist will give you instructions on how to care for your bone graft, including the following. The success rate of dental implants is very high when performed by a trained and experienced dentist or surgeon, as well as aftercare instructions are followed.

Pain management after bone grafting

In response to the question, does the bone graft in the implant hurt? Or should we say that the discomfort is usually minimal and resolves after four or five days? According to the dentist’s instructions, any pain can be controlled using ibuprofen or paracetamol.

You may experience swelling that usually peaks after two to three days and then subsides, which can be accompanied by bruising and stiffness or pain in the jaw joints. These complications can be controlled by following the dentist’s follow-up care instructions. You may also find blood in your saliva, which is normal and nothing to worry about.

Diet and lifestyle

One week after the operation, use a soft diet and avoid chewing near the operation site. Do not wash your mouth for at least six hours and avoid drinking hot drinks.

To avoid interfering with the healing process, you should not smoke for at least two weeks after surgery. Ideally, patients are advised to quit smoking altogether. You should also avoid alcohol for a week. Avoid physical activities such as swimming for the first few days after surgery.

Take care of your mouth

After six hours, start warm salt water mouthwashes. These should be done four to five times a day for five days. Brush your teeth as usual, but do not brush the area until your dentist tells you to. Your dentist may recommend a mouthwash to rinse the area twice a day.

Attend regular dental appointments to help prevent gum disease. Severe stages of gum disease can lead to tooth or implant loss. Do not wear dentures for at least two weeks. Be sure to take any prescribed antibiotics as directed.

Bleeding control

For 1 hour after the operation, gently but firmly and continuously bite on a folded gauze over the surgical site. If bleeding continues after 1 hour, place a new folded piece of gauze over the area for another 30-45 minutes and repeat as needed. Do not change the gauze frequently, as this will dislodge the clot and stimulate bleeding. Mild spotting is usually present for 24 to 48 hours.

If bleeding continues, bite firmly on gauze moistened with water or regular strong black tea (which contains tannic acid, which helps blood clot), making sure the gauze is placed directly over the surgical site… If the bleeding does not decrease with pressure, call the office immediately. Note that do not sleep or eat with gas in your mouth and keep your head slightly elevated while lying down on the first day.

Wound care

Do not irritate the surgical area for at least 48 hours. Vigorous washing, spitting, manipulation, or using a straw can disrupt the clot, open the wound, and prolong bleeding, delaying healing. Brush your other teeth on the night of surgery and avoid brushing the surgical site for 3 days.

If the bleeding is well controlled after 24 hours, begin rinsing gently with salt water (1/2 teaspoon of table salt in 8 ounces of warm water) and let the water drip into the sink. Rinse gently after all meals and after brushing for 2 weeks.

If you have been given a prescription mouthwash, start using it 24 hours after surgery, but only twice a day after brushing. Also brush your tongue, as this rinse may temporarily cause brown spots on the tongue.

Keeping the abutment clean is very important for the proper healing of the surrounding gum tissue. Avoid using electric toothbrushes, peroxide, or other OTC mouthwashes for 2 weeks.

Prevention of swelling and bruising

Swelling and bruising are normal after oral surgery and may worsen 2-3 days later or last up to a week, so it is important to reduce swelling as much as possible by applying ice packs and limiting physical activity for 48 hours. prevent Avoid bending, lifting, exercising, or other vigorous activities for at least 4 days

Place ice packs on the cheek adjacent to the surgical site (30 minutes intermittently) for 48 hours and after 48 hours switch to heat on the same site. Heat is more effective than ice after 48 hours.

Bruising may be noticeable for 3 days or more (and deepen if you are taking aspirin or other blood thinners). But it slowly disappears after 3 days

Taking antibiotics

Take all antibiotic pills as prescribed to prevent infection or bacterial resistance. If you have never used pain relievers before, start with half a pill and take it with food. Avoid driving, operating heavy machinery, drinking alcohol, or other sedatives while taking prescription pain relievers.


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