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Dentistry in the era of Corona

Due to the spread of the corona virus and the transmission of this disease through breathing, you must follow the necessary health protocols when visiting a dental clinic in Canada. Corona and transmission of corona symptoms is a powerful and serious respiratory infection that is also resistant to antibiotics. Preventing the transmission of corona in dentistry is also a priority and is one of the basic principles in following health and dental protocols in the era of corona.

What are the symptoms of Corona?

The symptoms of the corona virus are similar to those of the common cold: fever, cough, body aches, sneezing, runny nose, and breathing problems. If you have these symptoms, it is better to quarantine yourself for three to four weeks or stay away from people who have these symptoms.

Refer to the dentist in case of corona

Due to the speed of corona transmission and the contagiousness of this respiratory virus, people who have symptoms of corona or flu should avoid going to the dentist during corona. Also, avoid contact with patients with fever and accepting people with suspicious symptoms such as corona.

An example of necessary measures to prevent corona in dentistry

  • Drops of saliva spread during dental treatment are one of the most important concerns of dentists and assistants, so cleaning and disinfecting equipment and surfaces using equipped devices is essential.
  • Daily disinfection and also after finishing the treatment of metal, plastic or glass surfaces.
  • Controlling and monitoring patients for the use of hygiene packs, such as wearing gowns, hats, floor coverings and gloves, as well as the continuous use of masks.
  • Repeated disinfection of handles, faucets and surfaces that patients come in contact with.
  • Not accepting patients with symptoms such as cough, fever and shortness of breath.
  • Use of protective shields, gloves and masks by dentists.
  • Limiting clients and accompanying patients to the treatment department.
  • Establishing and controlling social distance in the clinic space.
  • Use mouthwash before starting treatment.
  • Establishing proper ventilation in the treatment environment and clinic space.



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