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Dentistry for patients who have had a coronary artery transplant!

Coronary artery bypass grafting is an advanced procedure used to treat patients with cardiovascular problems. This surgery corrects the blood flow in the heart and patients after this surgery need to be cared for and treated in the best possible way. In this article, we will review dental tips for patients who have undergone coronary artery bypass surgery.

Why should dental work be done with special sensitivity for coronary artery transplant patients?

While performing dental work on people who have had coronary artery bypass grafting, these people may face issues such as bleeding, risk of infection, or low blood pressure. These things can hurt the function of vascular grafts, and for this reason, there is a need for sensitivity and special care from dentists when providing dental services for these people.

Coronary artery transplantation is a surgical procedure that treats some heart problems such as angina pectoris and cardiac ischemia. People who have had this procedure need special care because of the new vascular grafts, especially when they need dental work. The reason for this sensitivity is due to the complications and possible effects of this surgery on the health of the body.

Oral hygiene after surgery

After coronary artery bypass surgery, oral hygiene is very important. Patients should pay close attention to their teeth and gums to avoid the possibility of infection. Mouthwashes with an antiseptic effect can be used to keep the mouth clean after surgery.

Control of oral bleeding

Due to the high sensitivity of patients after coronary artery bypass surgery, it is necessary to control any oral bleeding immediately. For this purpose, the use of special gases to stop the bleeding is recommended.

Proper oral care in different periods

Recovery period after surgery

During the recovery period, patients should pay special attention to the following:

Using a toothbrush with a soft head is effective and necessary. This action prevents damage to the gums and teeth.

After every meal, it is important to rinse immediately to remove the remaining food particles in the patients’ mouths and to prevent the possibility of infection.

1. Periodic visits to the dentist

Regular visits to the dentist are very important. These visits allow the dentist to monitor the condition of the patients’ mouths and detect any problems in time.

2. Use of recommended dental products

Using products recommended by the dentist in Hamilton, including toothbrushes, toothpaste, and special mouthwash, will take care of patients’ mouths in the best way.


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