Tooth restoration means replacing the decayed tooth tissue with a restorative material.
After visiting the dentist, according to the severity of decay and destruction of your tooth, the appropriate restorative material is selected for your tooth. To decide on tooth restoration with same-colored or non-same-colored materials, dental veneers, and which dental veneers to do, it is all up to your dentist, but it is good to have information about the types of dental restorations:
(Silver material) is one of the oldest and most noble dental materials that has helped dentists in Kingston and patients with dental problems for nearly 200 years. The American Dental Association, the ADA, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC, the United States Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, and the World Health Organization (WHO) all believe that according to scientific evidence, dental amalgam is a safe, safe and effective restorative material for tooth decay repair. But unfortunately, because in recent years the demand for beauty in the whole world has increased, amalgams cannot be efficient in this field. Therefore, tooth-colored restorative materials have entered the world of dentistry for several decades.
(White materials) are made of materials that are the same color as teeth, unlike amalgams, and create a more beautiful face for the patient. Composite materials are very sensitive to saliva and working with them requires high experience and skill of dentists and compliance with the principles of working with these materials. Although some ingredients of composites such as BPA seem to be harmful, the American Dental Association has rejected this issue and said that composites are safe and effective like traditional restorative materials (amalgams).