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Implant is a method to replace the removed teeth. Implants are close to natural teeth in terms of appearance and function. A large number of people do implant surgery every year. Some diseases may reduce the chance of implant success. That is why the limitations of dental implants should also be considered. Of course, a professional doctor can overcome these limitations with unique methods. In this article, we have fully reviewed the limitations of implant placement.
A professional and experienced doctor checks the health conditions of the patient before the dental implant. Because some limitations of the implant may interfere with this work. Or that it may cause complications after the operation. In the following we have mentioned the diseases that may cause problems in the process of implant implantation.
People suffering from diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes are among the limitations of implant implantation. Wounds in these patients heal at a slower rate. These diseases may also interfere with the process of fusion of the jaw bone and acceptance of the implant as part of the bone. For this reason, the doctor must perform the implantation for this group of patients with special care.
Patients should be sure to discuss their medical history and any medications they are taking or have previously been prescribed by their doctor. Because some of them may interfere with the welding of the implant to the jaw bone. For example, heartburn drugs interfere with calcium absorption. Therefore, it may harm the ability of the jaw bone to heal around the implant screw. Or drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen disrupt the blood coagulation process. Their use near the time of implantation will cause excessive bleeding in the patient.
One of the limitations of dental implants is the condition of the patient’s gums. If the gums are affected by diseases such as inflammation and abscess, periodontal and black gums, they should be treated first. Gums play an important role in implant maintenance. For this reason, their health is very important.
Women are more affected by this disease than men. It can be said that osteoporosis is one of the most serious limitations of dental implants. Although the pattern of osteoporosis is not true for jawbones, osteoporosis is one of the issues that should be considered in the use of implants, because the roots of the implants are planted in the jawbone. If this bone does not have enough density, there is a possibility of its fracture or rejection of the implant. With the help of bone grafting, the best doctors can use implants for this category of patients.
Nicotine restricts the blood flow in the gums and slows down the healing process. Therefore, they are considered to be one of the limitations of dental implants. And smoking can increase the risk of the implant not fusing to the bone by causing a delay in the wound healing process. Smoking also increases the risk of gum disease. The gums of smokers are usually black, weak and inflamed. For this reason, it creates challenges in the path of implant implantation. Comprehensive explanations about implants and smoking are provided in the article available in this link.
Patients who get head and neck cancer usually lose their teeth. On the other hand, chemotherapy of these parts may reduce the probability of implant success for patients. Of course, implantation after treatment usually does not cause problems for the patient. In the article on implant placement for cancer patients, comprehensive explanations are provided in this regard.
It is more likely to lose teeth in old age. This is why many implant applicants are elderly. Statistics show that almost half of people over the age of 65 lose some of their teeth. This issue has led to research on the limitations of dental implants in terms of age.
The results of this research showed that old age does not create a limit for implant placement. Of course, this issue depends on the health of people. Elderly people face various diseases. Some of these diseases interfere with the implantation process. We have discussed these diseases in the previous part of the article. If a person is facing the mentioned problems, according to the conditions, the implant can be made.
Implants are not common in children and teenagers. Children lose their baby teeth and then they are replaced by primary teeth. Therefore, they usually do not need artificial substitutes. Teenagers also have a growing jaw. Permanent tooth replacement with implants depends on the dental age of the missing tooth. Therefore, it can be said that young age is one of the limitations of implant placement.
If the person does not suffer from the diseases that we mentioned in the previous section, the probability of success of implant implantation is very high. Of course, all oral surgery comes with some risk of bleeding, infection, and allergic reactions. Of course, these are not among the limitations of dental implants. Fortunately, long-term complications from this surgery are very rare. If an expert in this field performs the implantation, the patient will achieve the best possible result in terms of appearance and functionality.
It should be noted that the inflammation and pain of the implant in the first days are often due to pressure when biting food. To fix it, just adjust the bite in your mouth so that less pressure is applied to the implant. Following the instructions provided by the doctor will ensure that dental implant placement is not dangerous for you.
In this article, we mentioned all the diseases that cause dental implant restrictions. Affected people should use the best specialist for implant placement in order to have favorable results. Of course, in general, everyone should be honest with their doctor. That is, it is necessary for the doctor to have detailed information about the patient’s medical history. It doesn’t matter if this disease causes limitations in implant placement or not. For example, the doctor may want to use general anesthesia for surgery. But the patient did not inform him about his heart problems. In this case, the patient’s life is in danger! This highlights the importance of providing an accurate medical history.