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Dental emergency: what should we do immediately?

Dental problems, like any other health problem, can cause an emergency. Of course, not only because of the unbearable pain that may be caused by dental problems, but because these problems may pose serious risks to your health. Dental problems can be very dangerous but nothing to worry about. In this article, we will examine what should be done if faced with such a situation. What is a dental emergency? What measures should be taken for a dental emergency? Where should I go to receive emergency dental services? Is it possible to go to the emergency unit of medical centers for toothache?

In this article, we have tried to answer these and similar questions. So, when you come across a questionable situation, we’d be happy to help by letting you know about your situation and what you can do about it.

What should be done in a dental emergency?

The first thing you need to do is determine if the situation is truly an emergency. Next, you need proper instructions for correct diagnosis. Try not to self-medicate. The situation requires urgent and specialized treatment. If you act arbitrarily, more serious problems may arise.

Of course, in some cases, there are methods to prevent infection; For example, rinsing the mouth with salt water. You can use these methods as a useful and immediate measure before going to the clinic. But don’t try to make the situation worse by interfering more.

Before any contact with the area, make sure your hands and equipment are sterile. Infections can cause pain and fever. If the intensity of the infection is high, it can enter your blood and endanger your life. So remember that infections are very dangerous! That’s why the most basic thing to avoid is doing anything that will eventually lead to an infection.

Usually, it’s best to make a phone call to your dentist. Dentists can help you with what to do in an emergency while you’re at the clinic.

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is a condition that involves the teeth and surrounding supporting tissues and requires immediate examination by a specialist. You may experience many problems in the hard or soft tissues of the mouth and teeth. Maybe in some problems, you can wait until the right time. But sometimes the problems are very serious. They can prevent you from doing daily activities. Sometimes the pain is so intense that you can’t even sleep. You may be in a situation where there is a serious dental injury. These cases are called emergency dental situations. In case of an emergency, immediate and quick action can be very effective. It is important to be able to make the distinction correctly. Therefore, in the following, we will have a look at the emergency dental situations that people usually face.

Severe pain

Toothache is not a good sign. But sometimes it doesn’t mean it’s an emergency. Although minor temporary pains require a visit to the dentist, they are not urgent. But sometimes there may be unbearable pain that gradually becomes more severe and prevents you from doing daily activities. Besides being intolerable, it also indicates that there is a really serious problem. You may be dealing with decay or another serious problem that has progressed too far and is putting pressure on the nerves. This condition accelerates the rate of pain. Therefore, if this pain lasts for more than a few days, it means an emergency.

Uncontrolled bleeding

Bleeding always indicates a bad situation; You can see blood while brushing your teeth or in different situations. Although this does mean that there is a problem, these types of situations are usually not emergencies. However, unstoppable and persistent bleeding may indicate an emergency. In such a situation, you should see a dentist as soon as possible.

You can rinse the mouth with salt water in case of damage to the soft tissue of the mouth. You can use a tea bag or gas bag to apply pressure to the desired area. You can also reduce both pain and bleeding with a cold compress. These measures can be helpful until you visit the dentist.

Bleeding or pain after tooth extraction

Feeling pain after tooth extraction is normal. If you follow your doctor’s advice, the bleeding will stop on its own. However, if you have persistent bleeding or severe, persistent pain, there is something wrong. This is also a dental emergency and you should see your dentist immediately.

Abscess and infection symptoms

Infections are serious problems. Just because they are in the mouth does not make them less important. Having an infection in the mouth and teeth can not only be a very painful process, but it can progress to the point of entering the blood and can even be fatal. If you see signs of infection such as swelling, swelling, pain, or fever, it will be effective to see a doctor immediately. Also, before going to the dentist, rinsing the mouth with salt and warm water can be useful.

Broken or loose teeth

It may still be possible to prevent loose teeth from falling out. Therefore, it is better to visit your dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist can perform the necessary surgery to save the tooth and correct its condition. Broken or loose teeth are not always considered an emergency. However, if the nerves of the broken tooth have reached the pulp, you may be at risk of serious infection. In such cases, you should not postpone visiting the dentist.

fallen tooth

A missing tooth is not a normal condition. Tooth loss can cause bone loss or a disruption in the alignment of your teeth. That’s why you should see a doctor and get an implant if necessary. Of course, you can wait until the right time. But if your tooth has recently fallen out, the dentist may be able to save the natural tooth. In such a situation, brushing the teeth with warm water will be useful. If you can remove the fallen tooth and keep it; You can put it in your saliva or milk and keep it there until you see a doctor. If possible, you can try to place the tooth in its place but be careful never to put it in your pocket.

Falling tooth crown or tooth crown

Dental fillings and veneers fill the gap between your damaged teeth and protect them, and in addition, maintain the beauty of your appearance. If dental fillings or crowns fall out or become dislodged, they can cause infection and become a very dangerous problem. Therefore, you should visit your dentist as soon as possible and have the area refilled. If your filling material has worn out, you can squeeze sugar-free gum over the area while you visit the dentist.

Where to go for emergency dental services?

Since this is an emergency, you may have to make do with what you currently have. If you have a life-threatening situation or a serious injury, such as a broken or dislocated jaw, don’t waste your time. Because these problems are more common, a hospital emergency room can help. Therefore, it is better to visit these centers as soon as possible. But keep in mind that when it comes to issues that are purely a dental specialty, hospital staff probably don’t have the knowledge and equipment to provide you with the solution you need. However, if you have no alternative, going to the hospital’s emergency room is better than doing nothing.

In case of an emergency, urgent dental care centers or dental emergencies are the places to go. It is better to call your dentist in Richmond Hill and explain your situation. If necessary, your dentist will arrange an appointment as soon as possible. Otherwise, you should contact a clinic or emergency dental center.

Many people go to emergency centers for all kinds of pain. So, can you go to the emergency room for a toothache? As we said above, not every toothache needs emergency treatment. Sometimes all you need to do is pop some painkillers and wait until the next work day. But if you have severe pain along with other symptoms that may indicate serious problems such as infection, you can seek emergency dental or even emergency medical care.


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