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Dental contouring

Dental contouring, tooth deformation, tooth narrowing, or tooth shaving. These are a few names for a small way to reduce the size of the tooth to improve its appearance or how it is placed inside your mouth. Many people also refer to the process as “tooth shaving”.

The technical name of this process is cosmetic enamel surgery when a small amount of enamel is removed from the tooth to change its shape.

This process can be performed for aesthetic reasons such as straightening the appearance of a lost or cut tooth. Dentists can remove the scaling edges of the teeth and create tooth uniformity.

A dentist may also suggest tooth decay for medical reasons, including improving your teeth or preparing the tooth injuries for the crown.

The purpose and benefits of dental contouring?

After careful teeth examination, jaw, and X-ray shooting, a dentist may decide that one or more teeth can benefit from tooth refinement or contouring. Some reasons for dental contouring are:

Deformity of damaged teeth

A small chip in your teeth may not look great, but you may notice it every time you look in the mirror. Shaving those teeth or filling them to create a more uniform edge can be a miracle to improve your smile.

Creating more space in the mouth

You may have small jaws or large teeth. Or your teeth may be too close in the mouth. Teeth bustle and compression can cause many problems, including jaw pain, inadequate teeth, and teeth tilting. Shaving some of those teeth can release enough space to reduce the crowd and whatever it causes.

When adding crowns

The crown is a hat that is placed on the damaged tooth with tooth. Typically, the dentist should shorten your tooth before using the crown (known as tooth preparation). In this case, it covers the crown, so you do not see any evidence of the process of reforming or filling.

Correction of tooth coating

The tooth coating is similar to the crown because it covers the tooth damage. However, the coating usually covers only the front of the tooth.

Sometimes, the dentist may gently shave your tooth for a coating, but it is much lower than the crown. A dentist may need to shave or cut some of the opposite teeth to ensure that they are correct only.

In addition to covering the damaged teeth, the coating can be used to resize, color, length, and shape the teeth as well as to close the gaps.

Tooth refinement for orthodontics

Orthodontics is designed to solve issues such as crowds or irregularities. Bracelets and preservatives can help move teeth in better situations that can reduce congestion or inaccurate places. However, sometimes as part of the process, an orthodontist may need to shave one or two teeth.

Set your bite tooth.

Open your mouth. Now close your mouth to place your upper teeth on your lower teeth. Do they correctly match? Otherwise, the dentist may suggest a tooth shaving or contour for teeth that will prevent them from being comfortable.

For example, your bite teeth may be a little tall and this may affect your bites. Irregular teeth can affect your performance. As a result, they can cause many problems, from pain in jaw muscles to teeth and headaches.

Research shows that Mecca can alleviate or eliminate problems such as tooth sensitivity and pain. This can allow you to close your jaw properly.

Does contouring have a toothache?

The answer is short, not. You don’t even need anesthesia to eliminate a little tooth enamel.

Are there any side effects or dangers in dental contouring?

In general, this type of dental procedure is not considered very dangerous. Dental contouring is often a conservative method.

However, some research suggests that oral cosmetic surgery on a fragile tooth may be more dangerous than before. If the dentist has to deform the broken or damaged tooth to prepare the crown, materials can be used to make the tooth support the crown.

Who should consider dental contouring?

If you’ve ever been tired of a tooth with a slightly toothed edge or chip, especially if it is quite visible at one point, you may be a candidate for dental contouring.

If you have a problem with your tooth, you may also want to consider tooth control, deformation, or tooth balance. If your teeth do not fit properly, it can cause pain in your jaw and head, even leading to the articular disease that attaches your mandibular to the skull, called TMJ Becomes.

Can you correct your teeth at home?

With a quick turnover on YouTube, there are countless films with people who claim to have their teeth at home using nails or sandpapers. You may be tempted to try it, especially if you only have a small chip or sharp edge you want to do.

But just because you can do it doesn’t mean you have to do it. Experts say you go to the dentist in Canada instead. If you want to fill or correct your teeth at home, you can damage the enamel, which can lead to several other problems.

You cannot re-grow enamel, so any damage cannot be compensated. If the damage is severe enough, you may even need a crown.



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