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Dental composite by layering method

The color of the teeth is not uniform. Each tooth has many shades of color. On the edges of the teeth, for example, it has a glassy state compared to other places. In the tooth composite layering method, different composites with different colors are used to make the product more similar to the real tooth. Of course, it is possible that people’s natural teeth suffer from edge wear and lose this clear and glassy edge.

Smile design

One of the reasons for using composite veneers is to improve the smile design. Smile design modification, as the name suggests, is a series of treatments for smile beauty. These treatments include correcting uneven and misshapen teeth, correcting problematic gums, and other problems. During the process of correcting the smile design, the entire anatomy of the teeth can be changed. In such a way, the length, width, thickness, color, and even the shape of the teeth can be changed. Of course, it should be mentioned that this treatment method is not only for increasing beauty but by performing this treatment, the function of the oral and dental system improves.

Composite and laminate

Composite veneers have some weaknesses compared to laminates. One of these weaknesses is that the veneer composite is more opaque and chalky in color. The same state of composite veneer reduces its resemblance to real teeth. For this reason, scientists did the necessary investigations to find a solution to this problem and found a combined method called the layering technique.

Layering technique

The most suitable method for determining the natural whiteness of composites is the layering technique. In this technique, paint is placed layer by layer. According to the shade, natural colors are placed on them. As you can see, natural teeth are made up of different shades of color. In this way, the edges of the tooth are transparent and the closer it gets to the bottom of the tooth, the more opaque it gets.

The amount of change in the color shade of dental composite may not seem natural. Still, when it is placed in the mouth next to other composites, according to the conditions referred to, you will easily notice that with this method, two to three the color of the teeth becomes white.

If the composite veneer is done with great precision, it will have a fixed appearance. If the reconstruction of composites is not according to the inherent nature of the teeth, it is natural that the final result does not resemble real teeth. In the layering technique, the actual thickness of the tooth, the appropriate color and transparency in each layer, the shape matching the real teeth, and finally polishing the composite using special polishes will have a suitable and acceptable result. The composite resulting from this technique is completely similar to the real tooth, and the person will not feel the need to perform cosmetic treatments again.

Some people think that the whitest color is the most beautiful and suitable for composite tooth color. If this idea is completely wrong. If the completely white composite is placed on your tooth and your other teeth are not this color, not only will it not help the beauty of your teeth and smile design, but it will also cause more ugliness in your mouth.

Some basic factors for choosing a composite color

Factors such as the color of the side teeth, skin color, and the color of the whites of the eyes must be taken into account to determine the color of the composite.

If the skin color is dark, more natural shades should be used. In this case, it is better to use less bright colors.

If the skin color is light, the best color to use for dental composite can be bright and shiny white colors. In this case, the composite color should be brighter. The best color recommended by dentists in Kingston for these people is B2 color.

The whiteness of the eye color is one of the main factors for determining the color of composite veneer for teeth. If the color chosen is much brighter than the white of the eye, the teeth will look unnatural.


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