Nothing gets rid of bad breath like brushing your teeth with mildly scented toothpaste. This is one of the most important parts of oral health. Toothpaste, this old friend of the toothbrush, not only helps to clean the teeth better to some extent but also usually creates a good feeling of freshness in the mouth and reduces the unpleasant smell of the mouth. Some of us may be allergic to this toothpaste. In this article, we will try to talk a little about this issue.
The toothpaste manufacturing industry has made a lot of progress since its inception. So much so that today we might be hesitant to buy toothpaste among the multitude of brands and colors and patterns. The main ingredients of most toothpaste are the same, and their changes depend on the shape, color, and secondary ingredients added to it.
Allergy to toothpaste
Most of us use toothpaste easily and without any trouble daily, while many people can’t use toothpaste due to severe or mild reactions and allergies. They are not, or they should be very careful and only use special types or brands of toothpaste.
Allergy agents in toothpaste
If you are one of the people who are allergic to toothpaste, you should know that you are not alone and there are many people like you. There are many ingredients in toothpaste and any of these ingredients may be the cause of your allergy. These additives may be added to the toothpaste to provide flavor, color, greater cleaning ability, or even aid in the digestion of food.
Some of the ingredients that have been blamed for causing allergies more than others are cinnamon extract, fluoride, aluminum compounds, propylene glycol, and papain. In most cases, allergies occur to chemicals such as fluoride and aluminum compounds, but sometimes allergic reactions to natural substances such as cinnamon and papain can be seen.
Toothpaste allergy symptoms
Many symptoms indicate an allergy to toothpaste. One of these signs is the presence of red grains that usually occur around the mouth and especially at the corners of the lips and where the toothpaste comes in contact with the most. These red seeds usually start from the corners of the lips and if the cause of the allergy is not removed, these seeds will gradually spread to other areas of the face. Allergy in some people is more severe than this and occurs in the form of mouth sores similar to plague or severe inflammation of the gums, immediately after brushing. In more severe cases, the inflammation may reach the digestive system and the respiratory system, or in very rare cases, lead to death.
Allergy treatment
One of the solutions that seems to avoid an allergic reaction to toothpaste is to use herbal toothpaste, but experience has shown that this solution is not very effective and those who are prone to allergies to toothpaste, even show allergies to herbal ingredients. They get into trouble. The best solution to find out the cause of the allergy and treat it is to consult a doctor, but also try these solutions to reduce the severity of your allergy to toothpaste:
- If you stand in front of the mirror and look at your face while brushing your teeth, you will notice that the corners of the mouth are the most contaminated with toothpaste. Try to brush your teeth so that the toothpaste reaches this area less and wash it with water as soon as the toothpaste reaches this area.
- Try different kinds of toothpaste. Look for toothpaste that has the fewest ingredients.
- Put less amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush and reduce the amount of toothpaste you use to one-third to one-fourth of the usual amount. By doing this, you will reduce the amount of contact with the allergenic substance and the severity of the sensitivity will decrease. Immediately after brushing, rinse your mouth with plenty of water, and be careful not to swallow even a small amount of toothpaste.
- If you are disappointed with all these solutions and you still have a sensitivity to toothpaste, the last solution will work: brush your teeth without toothpaste. Remember that the main role of cleaning the teeth is physically performed by the toothbrush and the role of toothpaste is completely auxiliary. Moisten your toothbrush and brush thoroughly and long without toothpaste.
You can use fluoride mouthwash or fluoride therapy in the dental office to help keep your teeth healthy and strong. (Of course, provided that the cause of your allergy is not the fluoride in the toothpaste!) Use scented mouthwashes or sugar-free gums to make your mouth smell good.
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